Chapter 39 - In Pig

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Short chapter, sorry :(


She ignored the call of her name as she exited the room. She just needed to get out of there and fast. But she felt like time had slowed down. No... it was like time for her body slowed down. She desperately searched for a nearby restroom or trashcan. The feeling and taste of acid quickly making its way up her throat. Her hand covering her mouth in someway supporting to hold it back and her other hand on her stomach as if trying to sooth it.

"Hey Blake!" said a cheery voice.

Blake looked towards the source of the voice to found out that it was none other than Ruby Rose. When Ruby saw the state Blake was in she grew worried.

"Whoah, Blake. Are you okay?" she rushed towards her side.

Blake dared not to speak knowing that if she did then there would be a big mess.

"Here, let's go to the restroom" Ruby said as she began to lead Blake there.

This is not good... I need to call Yang...


"Ugh, why does Blake have to have B Lunch" Yang growled in frustration.

"I am sure you can handle an extra hour without her" Weiss said as she filed her nails.

"That's easy for you to say, at least you get to see Ruby since you both have the same lunch..." she pouted a bit.

"Even if we didn't I wouldn't be making a fuss about it"

"Sure you wouldn't" Yang rolled her eyes but then smirked.

"Say..." she began.

"How's the sex been?"

Weiss froze and blushed furiously.

"W- what?" she stuttered.

Yang rested her chin on her hand, her elbow helping to support and keep it up. She made a teasing smile as she looked at the blushing Heiress.

"You heard me" her smile grew.

"How much have you two been doing it now"

"T- that is none of your b- business!" Weiss said defensively, now blushing the color of Ruby's cloak.

"So you have been doing it lately"

"I didn't say that!"

"You didn't say no either"

"You insufferable litt-"

She was interrupted by the sound of her own scroll going off.

Hey, Snow Angel. It's your one and only Dolt calling! Please pick up your scroll so I can hear that angelic voice of yours!

"Are you serious?!" Yang burst into laughter, unable to hold it in.

Did Ruby change my ringtone?!

Weiss blushed as she quickly answered her scroll so she could not be embarrassed no longer.

"Ruby! Why did you change my-"

"Weiss! Thank god! Is Yang still with you?" Ruby said in a panic.

Yang looked at Weiss in confusion as she saw that her face went from being irritated to concern.

"Yes, she is. What's wrong Ruby?" she asked.

"I need to talk to her! Can you put her on please?"

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