Chapter 31 - Memories?

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Hey, guys! So, I am feeling generous today! Plus, it's also because I feel bad for posting the last chapter late. I got a couple messages on Friday of people asking me if I forgot to post the chapter. So, as an apology for scaring you guys like that here is the next chapter! 

Also, there is another thing I kinda wanna talk about. But, that can be at the end of this chapter. 


Warning: This chapter may be a bit dark, nothing too serious. 

(PS. Kudos to anyone who get the references in this chapter!)


Her eyes were closed as she laid on the ground in pain, wind blowing, leaves and grass rustling. She took a deep breath, savoring the freedom that was currently being given to her for now. Her ears twitched every time she would listen to the earth.

Blake Belladonna was enjoying herself.

Spring had arrived and so did the rainy season. Today was a perfect day to just relax despite just getting the crap get kicked out of her and she was definitely taking that opportunity.

Blake would always spend her free time in the forest. When her dad or "Master" would let her go out she would gladly take the opportunity. Usually, Blake would be held in a cage or some sort of room with no contact of anyone and would barely be fed, making her appear very skinny and a bit scrawny. Despite being abused as well she just dealt with it. Where else would she go? It's not like the humans in this world would accept her. After all, her master was the one who saved her...

She was antisocial anyway.

Blake was brought back to her thoughts as her ears twitched to the sounds of footsteps and snapping twigs.

So, they're still looking for me huh...

"Ow! Stupid stick! Ugh, why do I even have to do this stupid Scavenger Hunt?" said a voice.

Blake quickly sat up, darting her eyes in different directions to try and find the source of the voice.

She stood up and immediately climbed up a tree that was near her.

If you want to survive then always prepare to attack Blake. Unless you want to die and prove a point on how worthless you are.

She crouched on the tree branch as she waited for the mystery person to appear.

"I don't even know where I am..."

As the person finally appeared Blake's eyes softened a bit. A little girl who was not from a group of kids who had attacked her not too long ago showed up and out of the bushes, she had golden hair. The girl dusted some shrubs off her shoulders as she looked frustrated.

No matter what they look like we humans will always be a threat. Never let your guard down. Or do you want to die?

Blake arched her back as she moved her hand forward, crouching more.

Kill us before we kill you.

She squinted her eyes a bit and began to bare her teeth a little.

"Is someone there?" the girl said as she looked around, looking a bit defensive.


Before Blake knew it she felt sharp, pain on the back of her head and she was now on the ground. She just blinked as the girl looked over her.

You failure. You are going to die like the worthless animal you are. Why did I spare your life when I found you?

"Uhhh... Are you okay?" the girl said.

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