Chapter 38 - Candles

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"How are you feeling?"

How was she feeling? She couldn't answer that, even if she wanted to. Because she didn't know how she was feeling. All of the new information that she was recently given was quite the shock. She didn't want to believe it but with the proof that Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, and the others had shown she had no choice but to accept that whatever they had told her was real. So, she had no idea how she was feeling about the whole situation. But what she did know was that she, Yang Xiao Long, was tired.

Just very, very, very tired...

She let out a deep, long breath, sighing to exhale. She felt her girlfriend squeeze her hand a bit, signaling that she was worried. Yang looked at Blake but shook her head and looked forward again, making a small smile.

"I'll be honest Blakey... I'm not sure how I feel... I mean... " she narrowed her eyes a bit at the ground.

Blake's cheeks showed glints of pink as she heard the nickname that Yang had given her. But she forced it to go away knowing that she had better things to worry and think about.

"Well..." Blake started as she rested her head on Yang's shoulder, nudging and nuzzling it a bit.

"Just say the first thing that comes to mind"

Yang rested her head against Blake's, looking at their intertwined fingers.

"Well... I really don't know..." she said.

"And why is that?" Blake asked.

"Because I don't know" Yang let out a soft chuckle.

"There must be a reason. Unless you just don't know the reason yet"

Yang let out a small laugh.

"That's what I'm saying, Blakey. I don't know the reason for anything right now"

"Anything?" her ears twitched.


"So, you don't know your reason for being with me?" Blake made a fake pout, Yang falling for it.

"N-no! I mean- I- It's just- I-!" she panicked.

Blake rolled her eyes, smiling, and straddled Yang. she wrapped her arms around her neck and got close.

"I'm only teasing, no need to prepare a speech"

"You love teasing me don't you?"

"So do you"

"You're not wrong'

"I know"

They both smiled as they looked into each other's eyes. Blake rested her head against Yang's shoulder once again while still straddling her. Yang hugged her tighter and inhaled her scent. Ever since she learned that she was basically a Dragon she was very aware of her new found senses and aspects such as hearing, smelling, fangs, and many other things. She placed her hands on Blake's hips as she nuzzled her neck as well.

Blake pulled away and raised her brow.

"Don't get any ideas now, I'm still sore from the last time"

Yang chuckled.

"But you loved it, don't lie" she smirked.

"I did love it. Maybe I should be the dominant one next time~" Blake purred.

Yang made a small gasp as she felt Blake slowly lick the side of her neck.

"H- hey now... what are you doing that for?" Yang blushed.

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