Very IMPORTANT Update.

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First and foremost... Thank you all so much for the love and support. I never would have thought my story would have gotten this blown up. I was shocked to see today that Her Savior is #1 for Bumbleby (not sure how long that's going to last but I don't care).

Like holy crap you guys

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Like holy crap you guys. Even though it's been god knows how long since I posted a freaking chapter you still managed to make this story be #1? You guys have no idea how truly honored I am for that. I never thought this story would make it that far! I honestly don't care if it's only #1 for a few minutes, the fact that it's #1 at all is what makes me truly happy.

With that being said, I am truly sorry you guys for not posting ANY chapters in the past (possible) year. I made this story just for fun and I'll be honest that I mostly was just winging it 90% of the time. I never would have thought it would get popular as it is now. For that I am truly sorry. I just have been super busy in my life (along with writers block), been losing motivation as well, and it's mostly just because of life in general. Good things have happened along with bad things and I guess I just never had the time to continue writing and lacked ideas to continue as well.

Now hold on, just cause I'm saying this DOESN'T mean I'm done. No, no, no! I WANT to continue writing! I really do! However I don't think I can continue writing THIS version of Her Savior because I honestly have no idea what's going on anymore and I have no clue or memory of what I wrote! Like I'm being serious! I re read some chapters and I would scold myself and cringe the whole time. Like did I really write this? Did I really include this? What's wrong with me? Why did I think this was a good idea? You know yada yada blah blah blah.

So! I'm going to be doing some brainstorming! I'll be starting with the One-shots people have been requesting with that Google Doc Form (I'm so sorry for the people that filled that out years ago!) I feel like if I do those first I might come up with ideas. So I think I'll start with those. That being said I'll be rewriting Her Savior! Rewrite or renaming. Either one. Anyway I'm starting over is my point! If you guys would like to request any one-shots or give me ideas for the rewrite feel free to send me a PM!

That's all I have to say for this update. Again, thank you all so, so, so, SO much for the continued love and support! And accept my sincere apologies for making you guys wait even longer now :( I hope to post something soon! Love you all!

- Pika

RWBY - Her Savior (discontinued, rewrite in progress) Where stories live. Discover now