Chapter 27 - Vests & Dresses

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Hey, guess what... It's Friday! Happy Friday!! :D


"Remind me again why we have to go Formal Wear shopping?" Yang groaned.

Ruby glared at Yang knowing that she knew the answer to her own question. But, she decided to answer anyway.

"Because you have to look good for your date!"

"Blake isn't my date. We're just going as friends. Nothing more" Yang simply said.

You know that isn't true...

"Well, either way, you have to look good for Blake!" Ruby yelled.

"Sheesh, calm down little sis" Yang said as she was looking at some vests.

Yang continued to look at all the accessories for the Tuxedo's but couldn't really find one that she liked.

Ruby, on the other hand, found a Black Vest, Red Long Sleeved Shirt, Black Pants, and a Black Tie. She tried them on and smiled widely when she saw herself in the mirror.

Yang looked at Ruby and stared in awe.

"Holy crap lil sis. That actually looks really fucking good on you" She said while walking around her, examining the outfit.

"You know..." she smirked.

"I bet Weiss would be all over you if you wore that" she said as she gave a wink.

Ruby blushed as she realized what Yang was talking about.

"Sh- shut up! We haven't even gone that far yet!"

"Even more of a reason why you should wear it" Yang gave another wink.

Ruby turned around and got quiet as her bangs hid her eyes.

"Sheesh Rubes I was just messing with you" Yang rubbed the back of her neck as she let out a soft chuckle.

"What was it like?..." Ruby said quietly.


"To be with her... How did it feel?..."

Yang's eyes widened at the realization of what Ruby was asking.


"Just answer the question, Yang..."

Yang just stared at her little sister and sighed.

"She's really tight" she simply said.

"Listen, Ruby- "

"I know that it wasn't your fault... It was just the alcohol that you two consumed" Ruby turned around and smiled softly.

"There was no way that you got to fuck Weiss while she was sober" she smirked.

Yang let out a snort like sound.

"Yeah, you're right about that lil sis" Yang looked at the ground as she shook her head.

The both laughed but got quiet again.

"Yang, I just want you to know that I am not mad that you and Weiss were a thing back then OR that you fucked her. I mean, you didn't know about my feelings and that was my fault for not saying a thing. If I had said something then you would have never gone for her" Ruby smiled.

"I know Rubes but... I just should have seen the signs you know? Just looking back at it now makes it obvious that you have a thing for her"

"Well, you were never one to catch onto things very well. So, it couldn't be helped..."

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