Chapter 3 - A Chat

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It has been a week since the encounter that Blake had with that mystery girl. She made her way to the dormitory and since her "friends" kicked her out she now has her own room that was provided by Professor Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon. She arrived at her dorm room and sees that someone has written on her door with the words "Ugly Faunus Whore" with red spray paint in big letters.

"It's a shame that your fellow students and friends treat you like this Ms. Belladonna" Ozpin takes a sip from his mug, Blake jumps realizing that he was behind her when she arrived at her door.

Blake tightens her grip on the door handle "They're not my friends... At least not anymore..." she trails off looking down as her ears slightly bend showing her sadness, not turning towards Ozpin.

Ozpin lowers his mug "May I come in Ms. Belladonna?" he asks as he raised his eyebrow. Blakes looks at him and he takes another sip from his mug. Blakes sighs in defeat and figured that if he came all this way instead of just calling her to his office then it must be pretty important. "Of course, Professor" Blake opens her door and enters her room along with Professor Ozpin.

"I guess this must be important if you came all the way to my dorm room right?" she sits down on her bed.

"Hmmm..." Ozpin walks towards Blake's desk and sets his cane down. Blake always wondered why Professor Ozpin had a cane, he wasn't the least bit old or so she thought but he must have a reason. He sits, puts his mug down, and then leans forward. "I just wanted to have a little chat, to check up on you."

Blake scoffs as she crosses her arms and looks to the side avoiding his gaze "You can stop the pity party, I know you're just doing your job Professor" She says as she rolls her eyes.

Ozpin raises his brow "Take it however you want, even though it is my job and policy to ensure and maintain the safety and mental health of our- no MY students, despite the policy I'm not doing this because I have to, I am doing this because I WANT to" he leans back on the chair.

He sighs then smiles "Now, how have you been? How you been holding up?" Blake looks at him then at the floor in deep thought about what to say.

"I... Been doing fine Professor" Blake averts her gaze from Ozpin.

Ozpin frowns and sits up "Bla-"

"I said I'm fine!" she snaps, not looking at him. She grits her teeth and tightens her grip on her right shoulder.

Ozpin looks at her calmly while Blake sits there shocked at her own outburst, she didn't mean to shout at the Professor like that, she doesn't know what came over her, it was all just sudden anger.

"Did a student do that to you?" he asks as he gestures to the bruises and cuts on her right shoulder while there were more than just on her shoulder.

Blakes jaw clenches as she remembers the event that happened the other day. On her way to school, a couple of students started to chase her while throwing things at her like rocks and sharp objects, getting some good hits on her resulting the injuries on her body. her grip on her shoulder tightens and she flinches from the pain it causes, her bruises and cuts being part of it.

Ozpin sighs "Blake, I know it hasn't been easy for you but you can't keep ignoring all of this." He leans forward "I can't help you if you won't let me" he gives her a worried and concerned look.

"Are you sure you would want to help me? I'm a Faunus after all" she glares at him, tightening her grip even more.

"And? I do not care what race you're from Blake. Even if you were human I would be standing here before you having the same conversation as we are having now" He takes a look at his watch and gets up grabbing his mug and cane.

"I apologise Ms. Belladonna but I have to cut this chat short. I have a meeting today with the staff" he walks towards the door and opens it. Blake gets up from her bed and walks towards her window sill.

"And Ms. Belladonna" Blake turns towards Professor Ozpin and meets his gaze.

"Don't think that just because you're a Faunus that you don't deserve to be here and don't you dare give up" Blake averts her gaze from Ozpin.

"Have a good day" he takes his leave and closes the door.

Blakes turns back to the window holding onto her right shoulder again.

'You may be willing to accept the Faunus Professor but your species isn't...'


Hello! Pika here!

Hope you guys enjoyed another short chapter! I am actually having a very fun time writing this story. I have so many ideas for it and I'm excited to see how it all plays out.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day peace!

Reviews/Comments are very appreciated :)

I realized that I had some grammar errors so I decided to go back and fix the ones I could find. Hopefully I got most of them.

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