Chapter 23 - Exciting Reunion

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It's Friday! BEHOLD THE SMUT! :D


It was like everything stopped for Yang.




Her beating heart.


When that door opened up her eyes widened and she froze in complete fear and horror.

There she was...

Cynthia Valentina.

When they both made eye contact Cynthia smirked and began twirling her hair with her finger. She walked towards Yang making sure to sway her hips a bit. Yang couldn't move and think. Her brain was fried from the overload of emotions and shock.

"Hey, hun. Missed me?" Cynthia leaned in a bit closer, pressing her boobs against Yang.

"Because I sure missed you, daddy" she bit her lip seductively.

"I think your little friend here missed me. He seems excited"

Yang trembled and went stiff as Cynthia whispered that and other things in her ear.

Weiss, seeing that Yang couldn't do anything because of the state of shock she was in tried to step in but was stopped by Qrow as he held out his arm. She glared at him and was about to say something but saw the glance that he gave her. She knew that look. It was the look that her mother and sister gave to her once some time ago. She understood what he was trying to tell her.

Weiss didn't like it but she knew he was right. Yang needs to handle this herself if she going to learn.

Yang was still trying to process what was currently going on. Why was Cynthia here? She didn't know and didn't want to know. But god Cynthia looked so gorgeous! Her appearance was different. Her hair was a bit shorter, she was a bit skinnier but still had meat to make her look toned, her bust has gotten a bit larger along with her butt. Yang felt like she was going to break by how hot she looked at the moment and her seductive skills weren't helping her situation either.

Weiss noticed this and she grit her teeth. She knows she shouldn't get involved but she couldn't resist the temptation of asking questions.

"Why are you here, Cynthia" she glared at her.

Cynthia rolled her eyes as she heard the Ice Queen's voice. She always hated it and the fact that she had to hear it again annoyed her. She turned around to face Weiss and put her hand on her hip and leaned a bit.

"What I can't visit my baby?" she made a playful pouty look.

Weiss's glare didn't go away.

"I missed her so I thought why not visit? I am sure she missed me too. I know her friend did" she smirked as her hand began to gently rub the visible bulge in Yang's sweatpants.

Yang bit her lip as she began to feel the pleasure from Cynthia's hand, her cheeks showing glints of pink.

"Did you get bigger? I swear you weren't this big before" she turned around to face Yang.

"Only one way to find out" she smirked.

Cynthia put her hand in Yang's boxers and gripped her pole as she began stroking it.

"Oh yeah, you definitely gotten bigger! and longer to!" she bit her lip.

"I- I! Ca- St- !" Yang tried to speak but she couldn't.

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