Chapter 35 - Sudden Urges

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The state that Yang was in was horrifying and shocking to her. She never seen anything like this. The beating of her heart quickened and her body began to feel hot. She couldn't take her eyes off of Yang.

"Where is she?..." Yang's breath was shaky.

"I want her back..."

Blake's eyes widened. What was Yang going on about?


At this moment all Yang could see were her memories, like if she was in another world with Blake and that... man... He was hurting her and she couldn't do anything about it. She was on the floor in pain from her arm being sliced off. All she could do was watch as the man ripped off Blake's clothes.

Yang was angry at herself. She was angry that she couldn't do anything to stop this. She felt hopeless, worthless, ashamed...

She tried to reach out with her left hand.


Her vision was getting foggy, she felt like she was going to pass out.



"Hey, Yang..."


"Do you think I will find a place here?"

Yang looked at Blake in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Blake just looked at the ground.

"All my life I've been taught that I was a lowly pest... a thing that didn't deserve to live, have a thing called a home.... And a family... love..."

Yang's eyes widened.

"Now I'm beginning to think he's right..."

"He's wrong!" Yang yelled so suddenly.

Blake jumped, startled.

"You DO deserve to be here Blake! You WILL find a place here and I'll make sure of it!" she stared deep into Blake.

Blake just looked at Yang, dumbfounded.

"Stay with me..."

Blake's eyes widened.

Yang looked away, blushing. But she looked at Blake, looking nervous. She had been wanting to say this to her for a long time.


Blake's ears twitched.


She hesitated for a bit but shook her head. She looked at her with deep affection and seriousness.

"I love you" she said.

*End Flashback*

A new fire was lit in Yang's eyes.

Even though it was a struggle, she got up. The look of utter craziness and anger in her eyes, blood crimson red.

"I said..." her breath shaky but it still sounded deadly.


Light began to emit from Yang's shoulder where her missing arm once was. The light formed into energy and formed into a glowing, shattered like golden arm.

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