Chapter 4 - The New Girl

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Blake woke up to the sounds of sprinkling raindrops hitting her window. She looked at the time it was 9:00 meaning she had a half hour to get ready. She sighed and got up from her bed, stretching as she walked towards her closet. Unlike Atlas and other Academies, Beacon doesn't require students to wear school uniforms. Ozpin felt that students should be allowed to wear anything that they want to feel comfortable with themselves.

Blake isn't one to go all out with outfits so she just went with something simple. Black Leggings, Red Checkered Skirt, White Collared Shirt, Black Hoodie, Dirty Gray Hightop Converse, and last but not least her Black Bow. Despite everyone knowing about her cat ears she still wears it, having no idea why she guesses that it's probably just a habit and still being uncomfortable with having her ears on display for people to look at.

She picked up her backpack and head out the door. She made her way to school but took an alternate route, wanting to avoid the route that most students took. Though it was raining Blake took her time, she didn't mind the rain she, in fact, liked it despite her being part cat. Her cat ears twitched under her bow as she heard the sounds of footsteps heading her way.

"Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in"

Blake turned around as she saw four students standing not far from her. She knew who they all were; Cardin Winchester, Kyron Lester, Dante Elwood, and James Ford. All these boys were on the football team, to everyone they were stars but to Blake, they were bullies and possibly much worse than that.

"What do you want Cardin?" Blake asks as she averts her gaze from him.

Cardin and his teammates walk towards her and Blake grabs her shoulder. She knows what he and his friends want and she wondered why she even bothered to ask. She prepares herself for the event that is going to happen like all those weeks.

"I don't want anything and especially from an ugly Faunus whore like you" Blake flinches at his choice of words. She figured that that was him and his friends that wrote that on her door. "Did you have a fun time cleaning that up? Knowing that you're a useless living being?" Blake tightens her grip.

"And why are you still wearing this stupid thing?" Cardin grabs one part of her bow which also happens to be hiding her ears resulting him to grabbing that as well. He pulls on it and Blake flinches as he does.

"We all know what you are! We know about your stupid cat ears!" He pulls harder.

Dante grabs her other ear and pulls on it as well.

"Nobody wants you here! Why do you continue to come to this school?!" Dante pulls even harder.

Blake's eyes are squeezed shut as she tries to endure the pain that her ears are receiving. A cat's ears are one of the sensitives things and this situation was not good for them. She opens one eye as she sees the other two boys look at what was happening and just had grins on their faces. Her eyes begin to tear up.

"Aw look she's crying," James says as he laughs.

"I would be crying if I was a Faunus too," Kyron says with a big grin on his face.

Tears stream down her face, the pain is too much for her ears. "S-stop p-please" she manages to squeak out.

"Or what? Are you gonna tell on us? You're gonna snitch?" Cardin grips and pulls harder.

"S-STOP!" Blake tries to push Cardin and Dante off her.

"Don't touch me you pest!" He kicks her in the gut and Blake falls covering her stomach as she tries to gasp for air.

"There's more where that came from" Cardin gives her another kick and Blake grunts from the pain.

His friends join in on the assault and Blake tries to endure the kicks that keep coming her way. Cries of pain could not be heard as they were very far from the school and most students were probably already in their classes waiting for it to start. After what felt like hours Cardin gives one final stomp to her head.

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