Chapter 19 - Farewell

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No intro again sorry. I am still having trouble looking for a song. 


Yang looked at the door in front of her, grabbing onto the doorknob. She tightens her grip on it but then loosens it.

'I think... you should go back to your dorm and apologize to Blake. I mean... She must be worried about you since you haven't been going to your dorm at all lately right?'

She let out a low frustrated growl.

Hesitantly turning the knob she opened the door. Her eyes widened in shock by what she saw in her dorm.

There Blake was laying in bed, practically naked but only partially because of the bed sheets. Alongside her was Sun. Though, he had boxers on just no shirt. He quickly gets up from Blake's bed and gets into a defensive angry like pose. Blake was sleeping.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sun gave her a serious tone and a slightly angry look.

"If I remember correctly this is also my dorm room" she gave him an intense like stare.

"That isn't what I meant and you know it" he didn't break his gaze.

Yang just looked at Sun and then Blake. Her blood boiled at the sight and she hated it. She snorted as she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever" she walked over to the drawer that was near her bed and picked up her keys.

She had decided to go out drinking today and she didn't feel like walking this time. So, part of the reason of returning to her dorm was to get her keys to her motorcycle. That and she was also thinking about what Naomi said to her.

'I think... you should apologize to Blake'

"Some idea that was..." she mumbled. It wasn't loud enough for Sun to hear.

"Just do me a favor" she walked back but stopped when she was beside him, spinning her keys with her index finger.


"Don't hurt her cause if you do" she tossed her keys up.

"Lets just say that you'll miss your little friend" she caught her keys as it landed in her hand.

She continued to walk forward but stopped as Sun said something he shouldn't have.

"I'm not like you" his tone was sharp and serious.

When she heard those words she froze up and anger filled up inside her, eyes going red. She turned around and got in Sun's face, giving him a threatening look.

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about monkey boy" she made a wry face and the threatening stare didn't go away either..

But Sun didn't back down.

"Oh, I think I do. Blondie" he made an evil smirk.

"You see, I wasn't the one who made her cry last week or abandon her when she needed someone the most" he gave a threatening look of his own.

~Tsk~ Yang grit her teeth, biting into her gums to the point where she could almost taste her own blood. Her hands balled up into a tightening fist as her anger continued to rise. She raised a fist up and Sun was preparing to doge.

"That's enough!"

Both Sun and Yang looked towards the person who interrupted a fight that was about to happen.

It was Weiss. Ruby was behind her.


"Shut it Ice Queen" Yang said coldly and began to head out towards the door to avoid another lecture she knew Weiss would give her.

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