Chapter 37 - Yin

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Oh my freaking god! Please read the notes at the bottom please -____- 



The fear that the woman was feeling was slowly fading away, beginning to be replaced by confusion. She just looked at the dragon before her and tilted her head a bit. She had no idea what the Dragon was talking about but then realization struck her when she repeated the word in her head.

"Dragon what?" she replied, making sure she heard him correctly.

The Dragon just stared at her, as if it was trying to read through her, to figure her out. The woman noticed that the Dragon began to look towards the lower part of her body. She suddenly felt nervous and subconsciously folded her arms, like if she was covering herself.

"What? What are you staring at?"

"Do you not know?" the Dragon asked.

"Know what?"

"My lord, you mean she's?"

"But that's impossible! The only way for a Dragonborn to be born is..."

"That's not entirely true..."

"What do you mean not entirely true?"

"You know exactly what I mean"


"Silence!" the elder Dragon yelled.


"What are they talking about?" the woman asked.

She knew what they were referring to of the word "Dragonborn". It was why she was here after all. The Dragon just looked at the woman but then spoke.

"Tell me..." he started.

"What brought you here?"

The woman looked at the Dragon then at the ground.

"There are many stories of fairy tales... even the crazy ones come from somewhere... like the Dragonborn story..." she got quiet, wondering if she could continue or not.

She did.

"I have been doing research of the Dragonborn story. Do you know of it?" she asked the Dragon.

"Of course we know it!" a voice said with annoyance.

"Watch your tone, Sivan" the elder Dragon said.

"But, yes. We do know of the Dragonborn story"

"I am guessing you were the ones who made it, yes?"


"So it's true then?"

"What do you think? Do you think it's true?"

The woman looked at the ground in thought. Obviously, the answer was yes since there was indeed a Dragon before her. Why wouldn't it be true? But just what is a Dragonborn exactly? How was one made? She had to know, it was the whole reason why she was here.

"The Dragonborns have existed for millions and millions of years, way before you humans and faunus were alive or a thing. We use to rule the land but our time has ended"

"We?" the girl repeated confusingly.

"Yes, you heard correctly. We"

The woman's eyes widened.

"Wait... you mean?-"

"Yes. The Dragonborns once took a form of a human. But we weren't human we just looked like one. We had the abilities and aspects of a dragon, we even have our own language. But...." the Dragon paused.

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