I'm Sorry ...

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Hey, guys Pika here.
I am here to tell you guys that this story is going to be in a very long Hiatus (and I mean very very long). I know you guys have been waiting for a new chapter to come out and I'm sorry that I haven't been posting any.

If I'm being honest the reason I haven't been posting for this story is because I have basically lost motivation and ideas I guess to move the story on. I don't want to do a time skip or anything like that. I have also been dealing with depression so that's also doesn't really help either (along with work, school, and all that stuff).

But, I am in the process of writing a new story (nothing RWBY related). I hope that while I write this story that I get some sort of motivation or ideas for Her Savior.

Again, I am really sorry and I hope you guys don't get too upset about this.

I'll let you know when I post my other story and thanks so much for all the support for this story! Couldn't have gotten this far with it without you guys!

Have a Happy Easter! :)

Again, sorry...

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