Chapter 2 - An Encounter

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Ever since that day, it's been hell for Blake. She lost all her friends and not a single day goes by where she isn't being threatened, bullied, and beaten. She isolates herself from people and has lost all trust and hope in the human race as well as for a happy life she once had. All she had but lost because of her stupid cat ears.

Blake stares off into the sun setting view as she sits on the railing of the edge of the rooftop as the cool breeze goes through her hair, it was a bit gloomy as well. Her eyes were red from the tears that had been streaming down her face. After all, it hasn't been easy for Blake the past week since her secret slipped.

"Why do you still wear that stupid bow? We know what you are, you pest"

"Ew it's the Faunus"

"Your kind doesn't belong here"

"One day you'll find yourself and you'll be disappointed"

"You're a failed abortion whose birth certificate was an apology from the condom factory"

"If I was you I'd wish I was dead"

"You're like STDs, nobody wants you, everyone hates you and proves your parents should have used protection, it would have spared their life"

Streams of tears continue to roll down her face as she remembers all the hatred that she has encountered for the past week.

"Just die"

Blake bites her bottom lip as it starts to quiver and tightens her grip on the railings. She then looks up into the sky and tries to take deep breaths to calm herself down. 'Why am I treated this way? All because I'm a Faunus? It's not fair...'

She then looks down as her hair covers her face. 'It's just not fair...' The sound of the door on the rooftop getting slammed open makes her jump.

"Stop!" Blake turns around as she sees a tall blonde girl leaning against the door as she tries to catch her breathe. 'Huh?' The blonde then sprints towards her "Don't do it!!" She then grabs Blake and pulls her away from the edge of the roof. Blake loses her balance as she is pulled away from the edge and falls, taking the blonde with her.

Blake sits up as the blonde leans over her, grabbing both her shoulders and looks her in the eyes. "Are you okay? What were you thinking?!" the blonde then hugs her. "I don't know what you're going through and it must be hard, but it isn't worth killing yourself over it" her hug gets tighter.

'Kill myself?' Blake never had the thought of killing herself. She was on the rooftop to just be alone and vent to let out her emotions after all. But the thought never occurred to her until now; she was intrigued. The girl breaks the hug and wiped the tears that were on Blake's face.

Blake slaps her hand away "Don't touch me!" she snaps at her. Blake losing all her trust and faith in humans didn't understand why this one was trying to "Comfort" her. She thought of it as some trick, that she would just be like everyone one else, despite never meeting this girl before she just didn't trust her. The girl puts both her hands up "Okay, okay just calm down I just want to help" she looks at Blake cautiously and with concern.

Blake glares at her as she gets up from the ground 'Help? HELP? This girl is lying, she's human after all. It's a trick, they're all the same' She looks down, angry, and grits her teeth. "You're lying!" she barked at her. "It's a trick I know it! You're all the same! All of you!" she tightens her fists with angry tears. The blonde looks at her with shock, it was clear to her that this girl is hurting, a lot in fact. She attempts to reach out for her as Blake swats her hand. "Leave me alone!" Blake then bolts to the door running down the stairs and she continues on running.

The blonde stares off in shock 'all of us?' she stands up and walks towards the railings and spots the girl running to what she assumed was a dorm. She tightens her grip then loosens it and sighs. She starts to take her leave as she stops and looks back towards the railings having an image of the suicidal girl fresh in her mind.

"I hope we meet again, stay strong" She says aloud and takes her leave. 


Hey, guys Pika here! 

Here's another short chapter for you and I hope that you guys are enjoying this story so far. 

Just so you know Her Savior will probably have daily updates/uploads while The Story of Govilan will have weekly updates/uploads. 

This will mostly be because I will be working on this story more than The Story of Govilan since I have to work on Her Savior for my class so I hope it's like a win-win for you guys. 

Also, most chapters of Her Savior will be short chapters and if I can I will try to make longer chapters and hopefully try to come up with better Chapter Titles as well. 

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time! Peace! 

Reviews/Comments are very appreciated :) 

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