Chapter 30 - Let's Calm Down

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Sorry to keep you waiting! 


"HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?!" yelled Weiss.


"Lets all just calm down" Ruby said.

Yang placed both her hands on her head as her eyes were showing shock and denial.


"Hey, look on the bright side. Blake enjoyed it. I mean... she hasn't stopped purring since you came inside her" Cynthia said as she glanced at said girl.

Everyone looked at Blake as well to see and hear that Blake indeed was purring and had a small smile on her face.

"That's... that's not the point..." Yang mumbled.

Weiss pinched the bridges of her nose.

"Blake" she said.

"Hm?" she hummed as if she was sleepy

"Are you... are you on the pill?"

Blake opened her eyes and looked at Weiss, tilting her head a bit showing her confusion.

"The pill?"

"Yeah, you know... Birth Control?"

Blake furrowed her brows as she got more confused.

"What? I don't understand... what is that?" she asked.

"Oh god!" Yang said as she began to freak out.

Blake looked at everyone confused, not knowing what was wrong.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" she asked as she began to sit up.

"Blake... when was the last time you had your period?" asked Cynthia.

Blake just stared at them blankly but then looked the other way a bit. It was like she was hesitant to say something to them.

"I.." she began.

"I never... had one..." she said as she continued to not look at them.

"You're so fucking lucky!" Cynthia pouted.

"Cynthia! Now is not the time!" Weiss scolded.

"Right, sorry..."

Weiss looked back at Blake.

"What do you mean? You mean you never had a period?"


Weiss kissed her teeth a bit.

"Well this makes our- well, technically I should say YOUR, situation a bit more difficult" Weiss held her finger on her chin as she began to think.

"Oh, god! What have I done! I knew I shouldn't have let it continue!" Yang panicked.


"I just couldn't help it! It- it just felt so good! I couldn't pull out! I always pull out! Why didn't I this time?! UGGHHHH!!" Yang began to squirm.

"Maybe it was because Blake begged you to?" Ruby said.

"What?!" Weiss and Yang both yelled.

"No, Ruby is right. Blake did ask you to cum inside her in a way" Cynthia supported.


Ruby and Cynthia both looked at each other and smirked, then looked at Yang.

"MAKE ME A MOTHER!!" they both shouted, trying to sound like Blake.

Blake stiffened and blushed, remembering that she did in fact say that to Yang and she hadn't meant it literally... or did she?

"Shit... and she said that right when I was about to blow to..." Yang looked down in shame.

"Why are you so worried?" Ruby asked.

"Why wouldn't she be?! She is still in high school Ruby!" Weiss yelled.

"Yeah, but, she is a Senior. She will be out of school though"

"But she won't be the one pregnant" Cynthia said, supporting what Weiss was trying to hint at.

"Exactly" Weiss nodded.

"I'm pregnant?" Blake asked.

"We don't know yet Blake... " Ruby said softly.

"That doesn't sound so bad to me" she said.

Yang lifted and removed her head from her hands as she looked at Blake in shock, her eyes wide.

"What do you mean?" she asked, curious.

Blake blushed.

"I don't mind... carrying your child..." she was blushing furiously now.

They all looked at Blake, dumbfounded.


"Well... I love you... "

Cynthia and Ruby grinned.

"And isn't that my duty? ..."

They looked at her in shock, except Weiss.

"You said that before... Blake, who told you that?" Weiss asked as she sat next to her.

Blake looked at the ground then at Weiss. She showed hesitance and discomfort, bringing her hand to her arm. She began to look around, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Blake?..." Weiss said.

"I... I don't remember..." she said as she rubbed her arm.

"Was it Cardin?" Yang asked.

"I swear if he told you that I'll--"

"No! He didn't say that! I..." Blake looked at the ground.

Blake looked as if she was very uncomfortable and frightened. She stiffened as she felt Yang hug her.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything now... We can wait" Yang nuzzled into Blake's neck a bit.

Blake blushed from the affection but also relaxed, she smiled.

"I love you..." she said.

"I love you too" Yang replied as she gave her a quick kiss.

"Okay, well we have to tell Ozpin about this Yang. I am sure that if we explain the situation then he will more than likely help us" Weiss said.

"Right" Yang broke the hug.

"We can go later tomorrow? Well, technically today"

"Sounds like a plan" Cynthia said.

"Alright, well I'm gonna hit the hay. I'm tired" Yang yawned.

"We should get going as well" Weiss said as she got up from Blake's bed.

"Nah, you guys can sleep on my bed if you want. I'm gonna sleep with Blakey here" she smiled as sat on Blake's bed.

"If you say so" Ruby said as she already got comfy on her bed.

"Well, I'll see you guys later" Cynthia said as she left the room.

"Goodnight, Blakey" Yang said as she nuzzled Blake' neck again.

Blake smiled.



Okay, first I would just like to apologize for the late upload. I was very busy today! So, there was a late upload because of that and I apologize for that! Also, I wanna apologize for a very short chapter! I promise the next one will be longer! 

That is all I have to say. I am very freaking tired! So, I am going to rest now! Have a great day! 

Review/Comments are very appreciated :) 

Estimated Release Date For Chapter 31: Nov. 18

~ Pika 

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