Chapter 20 - Feelings

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*Sigh* No intro again... 


Blake laid in her bed as she listened to ruby cry out for her sister. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

Yang was leaving? But why?

Why does this shock her so much? She should have known that Yang would have abandon her but her sister as well? This was all wrong. Very wrong.

But why does she care? Yang is a human after all and she hates humans... But why is this one having so much of an effect on her...

Blake was confused and angry with a hint of sadness, too many feelings of negativity.

Blake decided to act as if she had just woken up. Though she was awake the entire time, she pretended to be asleep.

She made a fake yawn and rubbed her eyes as she sat up, pretending to act confused and tired.

"What going on?"

Sun looked at Blake and then Ruby sadly.

"It's a long story..."

Blake felt sad for the human that was crying for her loved one that just left her. In a way, Blake could relate to Ruby.

"Yang... Please... Don't leave me.." Ruby sniffled.

"It's okay, Ruby... Take deep breaths, everything will be alright" Weiss tried soothing the poor child.

"Yang... Left?" Blake asked.

Sun looked at the ground in sadness and a hint of anger.

"Yeah... She did... "

Blake looked at Weiss as she was trying to comfort Ruby.

"But... Why?..."

Weiss made an angry look as Ruby started to quiet down, drifting off to slumber.

"It doesn't matter"

As Ruby finally quieted down and fell asleep Weiss picked her up and set her down on Yang's bed, covering her up with the sheets. She sat beside her and gently stroked Ruby's cheek as she gave her a soft smile. Though, you could see the sadness in it.

"So..." Weiss began.

"You want to tell me why you're naked?"

Blake blushed and looked away. She had forgotten about yesterday's events.

Weiss gave her a bit of a questioning look.

"I see..." she looked back at Ruby.

"So I guess the rumors are true"

Blake looked back at Weiss.

"What rumors?" she gave a confused look.

Weiss gave a small smirk as she looked at Sun and Blake.

"That you two are dating"

Blake was a blushing mess once again. She opened her mouth to say something but Sun beat her to it.

"No! We aren't dating!" he said a bit too quickly.

"I mean yeah sure we have kissed and we hold hands but we aren't dating! Not that I know of anyway... " he rubbed the back of his neck as he fought a blush that threatened to show.

Blake nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so why are you half naked then?" Weiss raised her brow.

Sun blushed.

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