Chapter 25 - Start of Something New

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"Blake... I love you. Will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?..."

Oh, how she wished she could say that.

But she couldn't...

She just couldn't...

"I'm sorry, Blake..."

Yang looked at the ground, hiding her shame.

But she looked up again as she looked at everyone else.

"I'm sorry to all of you. I shouldn't have acted the way I did without knowing the full story. My temper gets the best of me... " she clenched her hands.

"Don't be sorry kiddo" Qrow said.

"You got that from your mom... Raven was always like that. Hot headed and all so it's reasonable for you to act the way you did..." he shook his head as he realized that he was beginning to talk about a topic that he knew he shouldn't be talking about.

Especially not around her and until it was time to tell her...


Everyone looked towards the sound of the voice as they saw Ruby peeking her head by the door.

"Ruby..." Yang said softly.

Ruby slowly and cautiously stepped into the room, slowly making her way towards her big sister.

Yang pulled her baby sister into a hug as she got close enough.

"I'm so sorry Rubes... I'm so sorry..." a tear fell down her cheek as she heard Ruby begin to cry, trembling into her arms as she held her.

"Ya- Yang! I love y-ou!" she said in between sniffles.

"I love you too Rubes! I promise that I'll never leave you again!" she hugged her tighter.

The four of them just looked at the two sisters embracing each other.

Weiss was relieved to see that smile on Ruby once again. When Yang left Ruby was in great depression. But, now that Yang is back she is certain and has high hopes that that will no longer be the case now. The two needed each other and they are together. Hopefully, it will stay that way.

"Ahem" she cleared her throat.

"I don't mean to interrupt your happy reunion you two but Ruby I believe we do have class to get to"

Ruby pouted.

"Aw, do we have to?"

"I'm afraid so. You already missed enough classes these past three days. You can't fall behind now"

Ruby whimpered as she tightened her grip on Yang.

Yang smiled softly as she ruffled Ruby's hair.

"She's right Rubes. Since I now know that you missed classes for three days I want you to go. I don't want you falling behind either. Don't worry I'll still be here okay"

Ruby made another pouty face but hugged her sister.

"Okay, Yang I'll go..."

She made her way towards the door as Weiss waited for her. Just as she was about to step foot out the door she turned around and ran to Yang to hug her again.

Yang was caught off guard.

"It's good to have you back..." she hid her face under Yang's chest.

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