Another very IMPORTANT update (an exciting one for certain fans)

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Hey yall sorry if this notification got your hopes up. I know it's been over a year (or maybe two I honestly don't know) but I want to let you all know since many are still asking that yes the new Her Savior is definitely still in the works! I think that you all have been waiting for SO long that I should at least let you all in on what this new version will be about along with details, I owe you all that much for such a long and continued wait! So I'll be answering a few possible questions you all may have.

What will the new version be about?
The new version of Her Savior (or whatever new title it will be given) will be musically lol. I'm not talking about high school musical kind of musically I'm talking more like this will be about being celebrity singers. In this new version Yang will be a famous singer and songwriter as well as Weiss (shocker I know lol). Blake and Ruby will slightly be younger still just like in the discontinued version of HS (Her Savior) as well as Weiss and Yang being slightly older.

Will Yang and Ruby be futas again?
Yes! Yang and Ruby will also still be futas but trans at the same time. This sounds confusing I know but basically even though they will have the package down there they will still look feminine and have boobs with girly voices as well (incase some of you did not know what a futa was that's basically what they are and how they look) but they will be feeling much more masculine than feminine and try to express it more too and transition (hence the being trans). This means that there is a possibility of them getting top surgeries further down the line in the story. As for haircuts Yang will more than likely not be getting one. Ruby doesn't need it cause her hair is already short lol. As for hormone therapy I made the choice for Yang to have already started in her younger days while Ruby is still deciding. This also means they'll be dressing more masculine to make themselves more comfortable. They will keep their names to.

Wait if they are singers does that mean you'll be writing their music?
Oh god no! I do not have the talent to write music lol. I have been listening to many songs that I think will fit for Weiss and Yang as if they "wrote" them. Famous singers in irl will be mentioned in this story and both Weiss and Yang will have "stole" their songs as their own because in this AU those famous singers never made those songs. For example: if Harry Styles (I'm using him because I'm listening to Adore you right now lol) if Harry Styles were to meet Yang and tell her "Yang, I'm a huge fan of your work! I really love your new song Adore You! I hope to collaborate with you some day because I really think you're a talented singer and song writer" this means in this AU Adore You never existed until Yang made the song. So Harry Styles didn't and never made the song Yang did. Hope that makes sense!

Will ocs from HS be in this one?
There may be some that will make a reappearance but there will also be new ones as well.

Will some story line make it back into this version like "Player Yang" ?
In their own way yes but not exactly. There are definitely things that will not make it back into this new version (like the whole dragon stuff).

Will everyone know each other right away?
Yang and Blake do not know each other. However since Yang and Weiss are in the music industry they will be acquainted with each other since they are famous singers. Because they would have met at gatherings for celebrities (like for awards and stuff like that) and have worked with each other. They aren't exactly friends. Weiss will be the whole reason why Blake meets Yang because Weiss and Blake will be very good friends in this story because they will have grown up together and go to the same school (Weiss's father won't be such an asshole in this AU). Ruby will be working along side with Yang to help with her music because she'll be skilled as a guitarist as well as knowing a bit of percussion. There may be some slight possibility that Weiss has gone to school with Yang and Ruby but moved. I'm not entirely sure yet.

Who are the singers and what kind of music will they be doing?
Yang and Weiss. To me Yang always seemed like a rock kind of person but I see her liking other genres as well. So she'll be making all kinds of music wether it being rock, rap, metal, reggaeton, and or pop. Weiss will be similar but she'll mainly be sticking to certain genres like pop maybe. Occasionally she'll do some rock here and there, not entirely sure.

Will Yang have her robot arm?
Yes, Yang will have her robotic arm and on the right this time because I honestly never realized I kept saying it was on the left until y'all said something lmao.

Will you be uploading chapters as you write more?
No, I'll be making sure to FINISH this story before I post any chapters. I do not want what basically happened to the discontinued HS to this rewrite. This way I can actually brainstorm better and not be pressured so much to get another chapter out as soon as I posted one because doing it this way made me just wing it and forget what I was even writing about. So yes, this means you'll have to wait even longer and I'm sorry for that 😞😞


This is all I could think of what you guys would possibly ask me. If you still have questions please do not hesitant to ask! Just know that this story WILL be finished and posted. I do not know when that day will come but it'll happen! You just gotta bare with me for awhile longer! I swear I'll finish it! And when that comes I'll post another update on here to let you know. That's all for now! Again, if you still have questions please don't be afraid to ask! ^_^

Edited to add this on here for the people are aren't following me but are following the story

Hey y'all!

I am looking for people to make a cover for the new Rewrite "Her Savior" well technically "His Savior" now. I have some already interested in commissioning for me but I'm still welcoming any artist out there that want to try and submit a cover art for His Savior. If your art isn't chosen to be the cover for His Savior your art will be featured in a Chapter, your work will also be credited as well.

What I need for the art:
- Yang and Blake (or just Yang is fine as well or just Blake too)
- Yangs Robotic arm
- Modern like clothes
- Yang looking slightly more masculine than feminine (since she's transmale in this rewrite)
- Yang still having feminine like features like the breasts and long hair (basically draw her like a Transmale who still hasn't gone through top surgery and hasn't gotten their hair cut).
- The title of the story as well as my user name on it as the author (feel free to put and make "drawn by [your name]" more visible as well!)

No need to ask what kind of poses or what not I want for the art. If you have a sketch in mind that you want to do that you think will be great then do it! If you want to draw Blake and Yang hugging, do it! Want to draw Blake and Yang holding hands? Do it! Want to draw them holding each others faces? Do it! Draw whatever comes to your mind! I feel artist shouldn't have limitations for commissions of what to draw. I want what YOU want to draw not what I want you to draw. Message me for what the price is for your art. Prices aren't necessarily an issue for me (unless you are gonna try to charge unnecessarily large prices then it might be an issue).

Remember, if your art isn't chosen to be the cover it'll still be featured in a chapter and you will be credited :)

- Pika

RWBY - Her Savior (discontinued, rewrite in progress) Where stories live. Discover now