Chapter 5 - A Worried Yang & Teacher

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Yang rests her chin on her hand as she listened to Emily talk to her about things that she didn't care about. She was more interested about Blake, the girl that they called a "Pest" for some reason.

"Yeah, so are you interested?" Emily asks as she leans forward in curiousness.

Yang, not realizing that she dozed off on Emily while thinking about Blake, snapped back into reality.

"Oh, huh?" Yang asked since she had no idea what she was referring to.

"The Cheerleading Squad, would you be interested in joining?" she asks grinning at her.

"Oh, um, I don't know I mean I'm not really a cheery kind of person if you get my drift" she says as she gives her neck a nervous rub.

Emily frowns "Why not? You have the perfect body for it" she says as she scans Yang's body.

"I just don't like dressing girly, never have, never will" Yang says as she gets up and stretches.

"So you're a tomboy then?" one of the girls ask.

"Mmmm, yeah, I guess I am" she shrugs.

"Tomboy or not just please think about it? We'll even let you wear the guys uniform if you want" Emily says trying to convince Yang to join the Cheer Squad.

"Hmmm, I'll think about it I guess"

Emily and her friends squeal in excitement, hoping that that would be enough for her to join.

"Hey, you guys know where the restroom is?" Yang asks as she leans on her desk.

"Yeah, just down the hall, I can walk you there" says Emily as she gets off the desk.

"Nah, I'm good" Yang says as she is already out the door.

She stretches as she makes her way down the hall as a black figure catches her eye.

'Wait isn't that Blake?'

Yang starts to make her way faster to try an attempt to talk to the girl. As she gets closer she notices that Blake starts to sway a bit as she is walking, then stumbles to the ground.

"Blake!" Yang yells as she sprints towards her.

She kneels down before her and lifts her upper body "Blake! Are you okay?!" she yells trying to get Blake to open her eyes, they won't.

"Blake! Come on wake up!" She shakes her, gives her cheeks little slaps, but she still doesn't wake up.

"What's going on here?" someone asks.

Yang looks behind her and sees a teacher standing before her. The teacher looks over Yang and her eyes widen.

"Blake? What happened here?!" the teacher asks as she kneels down, touching Blake's forehead.

"I-I don't know I-I just saw her collapse" Yang panics and tries to calm herself down.

The teacher picks up Blake "I'll take her to the nurse's office, you, go back to class Ms..." She looks at her realizing that she does not know Yang's name.

"Yang, Yang Xiao Long, I'm new" She says to her.

"Well Ms. Xiao Long you may go back to class" she says as she starts to make her way towards the nurse's office.

Yang watches as the teacher takes Blake away.

'Trust us, stay away from that pest'

Yang grits her teeth, tightens her hands that balled up, and lets out a small growl. She runs towards Blake and her carrier and walks beside them.

"Ms. Xiao Long I said get to class" the teacher gives her a stern look.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that ma'am" Yang says as she continues to look forward while walking alongside the teacher.

The teacher looks at Yang a bit shocked but then looks forward and chuckles quietly.

"Very well then" she says with a grin. 


Hey! Pika here! 

So, here's another chapter and just want to say sorry for the very, very, VERY short chapter. 

Also, sorry for the crappy chapter title. I honestly didn't know what to call it xC if you have a better title tell me and I'll change it to that Cx 

But I hope you still liked it :) 

Oh! I have a question for you guys. I have been thinking about make an opening for this Fanfiction. I don't know if you guys have encountered any Fanfictions where the writer finds a song and then they make up their own kinda scenery in their head and they try to write it out. What do you guys think? Should I do it? I am doing it for The Story of Govilan but I don't know if I should do it for this story as well... Let me know what you think!

A chapter will be posted today for that story later by the way :) 

Have a nice day! 

Reviews/Comments are appreciated :) 

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