Chapter 40 - News

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"How do you propose we tell them?"

Now that was a question that Weiss did not know how to answer. She sighed irritably, pinching the bridges of her nose and also placing her hand on her forehead, her other on her hip.

"I don't know Ruby. But, we need to make sure for certain if it is the case for her. I'll ask the doctor to do some tests on her when she gets here. I'll also tell him or her not to tell them what the tests are actually for and for them to make something up so Yang wont get too suspicious about it"

"Sounds like a plan, Weiss"

Ruby held onto Weiss's hand giving her a reassuring smile.

"Did someone request for a doctor?" said a mysterious voice.

There stood a woman before the two of them. Her height was average, her hair long, red as well, and had gray eyes. She wasn't really dressed for the part of a doctor but had a name tag on. "Dr. Heart" it read. Ruby noticed how large the woman's breasts were and the shirt she was wearing were revealing them quite a bit which made her blush.

"Yup" Ruby looked away.

The woman raised her brow at Ruby. Weiss rolled her eyes knowing why and she made a mental note later to scold Ruby.

"Is the person in the room?"

"Yes, she is" Weiss replied.

"Is there something you would like to tell me before I go in?"



"I need to ask for a favor"

"What would that be?"

"We would like for you to do some secret testing on our friend" Ruby quickly said.

The woman glanced at Ruby, raising her brow again.

Weiss rolled her eyes and shook her head in annoyance. "I can explain" she said as she moves in front of Ruby.

"You see, we have a suspicion that our friend may be... carrying something inside her... we want to make sure that our feeling is correct. We were wondering if you could run some tests to confirm this. Like a blood sample or something. If her partner gets curious or suspicious then you can say that it is just a precaution or something of the matter and the-"

The woman held up her hand, stopping Weiss from explaining any further.

"I get it. Do you plan on telling them? It is their right to know"

"Of course! We just want to be certain"

"But why do you want to find out first?"

"Believe it or not my sister isn't very bright" Ruby chuckled nervously as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.

"Blake doesn't know much about these things either" Weiss added.

"Alrighty then, I will be on my way"

Weiss nodded and opened the door. Blake was currently laying next to Yang on a bed and was sound asleep. Yang looked up at the doctor then looked back at Blake. The woman walked towards a sink and began to wash her hands.

"Good evening" she began, talking quietly since the other was asleep.

"My name is Dr. Heart. I assume the girl next to you is my reason for being here?" she asked as she dried her hands.

Yang could only nod, squeezing her girlfriend's hand lightly as she felt her neck being nuzzled affectionately by said mate.

"I have to ask her some questions. Is it alright that we wake her?"

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