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Jess and Adam had been together for a while. Married for 2 years and dating before hand for 3. They loved each other they really did...

"I can't believe you!" Jess screamed at Adam, what they were fight about was unclear. Tears were streaming down her face. "You idiot Adam!" She choked out. He didn't want to yell at the beautiful women, he tried his best not to, because he loved Jess. But he couldn't help himself. "Why the hell did I marry you!" He said running his hand through his hair. "Becuase you pity me" she said. "Yeah I do, I pity you because you becuase you got raped! Becuase you dressed like a whore 6 years ago!" He said, he jaw tighten. "Your a slut Jessica! I don't know why I ever loved you! I don't, I hate you!" He yelled.

Her eyes widen and breath was sucked away from her. "Jess I.." he started and reached our for but she ran put the front door, he followed her. She ran into the street as a car easy coming straight for her. In a blink of a eyes Jess was down on tr ground in the other lane un harmed and Adam was laying almost lifeless infront of a stopped car.

"Adam!" She said and crawled over to him. "I can't believe you" she said. Tears were streaming down her face. "You idiot!" She said. Why would he do this. "Why the hell did I marry you, such a beautiful girl" he wisphered. "Because you pity me, because I'm a slut and got raped, little Marco always saw you as a father" she said. "I hate you for doing this Adam" she said, a tear of hers fell onto his cheek.

"I'm sorry, for saying what I said baby" he wisphered, the driver had already called 911. "Me too, don't leave me" she said and put her head on his chest. She heard the ambulances sirens in the distance but it was to late. She couldn't hear his heartbeat anymore like she cpuld before. "You idiot... I love you" she wisphered.

A/N Sorry!

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