Partners pt 3- Threat

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Adams pov:

It's early, I couldn't fall back asleep. So I came to work. I walked in my office, oddly smelt like coffee. I looked over to my desk, there was a coffee and a yellow envelope.

I opened it, the papers within it made me want to drop to my knees. "Jessie" I said to myself, I scanned the pages. All pictured of her. Getting out of her car, leaving her home. The last on was her waiting in the hall for me with a X through her. A tiny note fell out. "Forget the case or she'll be next on the hit list" it read. I sprinted out my office and down the hall with the file. I dropped it on Max's desk and before he even had a chance to look at me I was out the door.

I ran up her drive way and banged on the door. "Jess!" I yelled. She opened the door, half her makeup was done and her hair not up yet, standing in her blouse and pajama pants. "Adam?" She questioned but I pushed her inside and locked the door. "What the hell? Adam are you okay?" She asked. "Your on the hit lost and if we don't drop it...." I couldn't finish, all I could see in my head was black clothes and roses, a funeral.

"How do you know?" She asked, her breathing becoming heavy. "I got a file with pictures of you that you didn't know we're being taken" i said, her eyes widened. She hugged me. "Please protect me" she said, I wrapped my arms around her. "Always have always will" I said. She finished getting ready and as we leave my phone buzzed. Sitting in the car, her and I I check it. "Oh no" I say showing her the video message.

" "Please protect me" "always have always will" we said to eachother.

"We need to go to work they can't know where that is" she said. "No they have a picture from yesterday when you were waiting outside before the meeting" I said, she sighed. "Well we have to go anyway" she said. I won't let anything happen to you, ever. I will never let anyone hurt you and maybe one day I'll say it to your face. But to our partnership and friendship.... saying it would be a threat.

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