Partners pt 2- Long Night

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Jess ' s pov

"So if Marius is the apprentice who is?" I say to myself losing myself in possibilities. "Don't drown in therorys" Adam said placing his hand on my back and sitting beside me. We've been here for a while, my head was pounding too. "Hold on I need a advil" I say, the pain in the back of my head was killing me. I took the bun out of my hair hand swallowed the pill.

"Where does your head hurt?" He asks walking over to me. "The back, maybe from having my hair up" I say. "You dehydrated Jessie, drink some water" he said pouring me a glass, I took it from his hand and downed it. "Thanks" I said and smiled, he smiled back. His smile is so cute. "Jessie?" He says snapping his fingers infront of me. "Oh! What?!" I said, I did it again, got lost in him.

"Sorry, I was just thinking" I said, remember the meeting this morning. "That meeting ment nothing" he said
He placed his hands on my shoulders. "You are my partner pretty much in life for god sakes and no one will ever come between that" he said and pulled me into a hug. Then something clicked in my brain. "Adam! That's it that's it" I said tightly squeezing him and running to our files. "What?" He asked.

Adams pov:

"What?" I asked. "Does he have a girlfriend or wife or whatever?" She asks, she on to something. "An ex wife they got a divorce 4 months ago" I said looking to her file. "The same time this all started" she said. "Jess your a genius" I said looking to her. Her face was very close to mine, I reached for the file slowly and ended up grabbing her hand. "Your a genius" I said again, she smiled and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and looked back down to the papers scattered everywhere. "I'll go run a back round check on his ex wife" she said and then walked backwards out the door.

What happened there? A moment between us? No, it's just been a long night.

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