Put Him Down For Me?

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A/N Adam and alesa got divorced in this story and jess doesn't have kids or married to Jason

     Adams pov:

  She walked around the corner with a smile on her face, she was looking down at my baby boy in her arms. "Adam he's so adorable I just want to hold him all the time" she said.

If only you loved me back you could..

    "Isn't he a cuite" I said. "Baaaaby Mason" she said in her 'baby voice'. I chuckled. "I don't know how you do it Adam" she says, she bounces Mason up and down in her arms. She's really good with him, I think he likes her more then I. "Do what?" I ask, I pour us glasses of water. "Take care of Mason on your own, It's kind of amazing man" she says, she takes a sip of her water.

     "I'm not doing it alone" I say, she looks at me puzzled, then back down at Mason and then back to me. "Your here a lot of the time" I say, she gives me a small laugh. "I suppose I am but I can't get enough of this little cuite" she says shaking her head at Mason. "And I love hanging out with you" she says with a smile, I hug her squishing (not quite literally) between us. "You and Mason are my family at this point" I say, she smiles. "Can you hold him for a little while, I love him so much but I need to pee" she says, I gladly take my son from her arms as she went to the washroom.

    I've known for a while that Mason shouldn't be growing up without a mother but I can't bring myself to find another women when the one I'm in love with is Jess.

   "Can I hold him again please please!" She said, he had started crying. "He's actually getting cranky do you think you could put him down for a nap for me?" I ask. "Yeah sure!" She said, I carefully handed Mason to her. "Aww my baby come here" she said, she walked upstairs.

   She called him her baby

  I waited a few minutes and went upstairs. There she was, bouncing and walking around with little Mason in her arms. "I love all of you, all your curves and all your edges, all you perfect imperfections" she sang, I came behind her and rested my head on her shoulder. "Hey" she wisphered, I looked to Mason, sound asleep. "How did you do that?" I ask. "I don't know, he just seemed to fall asleep" she said.

   "How ate you so good with him, it usually takes me forever to put him down" I say, she chuckles. "I'm a women Adam" she says like it's obvious. "Your like a mom" I say, she smiles. "Adam I love Mason, so much" she said. "I wish I had a family like yours" she says, I wrap my arms around her waist. "Your my family okay and I love you Jess" I say, she walks away and puts Mason in his crib.

I blew it...

  "I...." she starts. "Jess you dont" I say, she quickly walks over to me a kisses me. I wrap one arm around her waist use one pushing her upper back towards me. "I love you too" she says. "I want to be with you" she says, I smile but sigh. "You do know what you'd be getting yourself into right. I have a son Jess" I say still not letting her out of my arms. "And I love him to death, I want this Adam" she says, I kiss her again. "Okay, but you have been warned" I say with as chuckled. She kisses me and we walk over to our sons crib.

  "Thanks for putting him down for me" I say, she smiles and kisses his head. "Let's go watch as movie or something" she says, I wrap my arm around her and we go downstairs....

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