Partners pt1- She's my Partner

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Adams pov:

"Adam was always the best in the agency, smart and cunning, agile and strong, handsome some might add. He was-" "get back to work hot shot, and Atleast add your partner into your monologe" she said putting the file to my chest. "He was great" I continued as she made coffee. "But! *ahem* he would not be these things, without his partner. His partner was beautiful, and helpful to him everyday, something he couldn't go without" I said, she handed me my cup of coffee.

"My partner coffee is everything I could ever ask for, and then there's jess" I said. "Oh shut up" she said and rolled her eyes, she was about to leave when he grabbed her wrist. "Hey, you know I'd be nothing with out you Jessie" I said, she smiled. "Get back to work" she said and walked out. I smirked and nodded my head. I downed my cup of coffee and walked out, there she was waiting with the file in her hand.

We started walking down the hall. "Ready?" She asked. "Nope, this guy aparrently is a asshole" I say, she laughs. "Nothing we haven't handled before, just give yourself that monologe again" she said, I watched her walk in thr door, as shallow as it seems, she makes a pantsuit look good, not most girls here can.

"Morning, Adam, Jessica" our boss, Max said to us. "Morning" I replied and Jess gave him a sweet smile, he grinned back. He never grins to anyone else but her. "Agents this is-" He was cut off by the man in the room. "Special agent Parker Wills" he said extending his hand to me. "Adam Dahlberg, this is Jessica Phenoix" I said, we shook his. "So..." max started. "As you know this case is very important if we do not-" "Excuse me" Parker cut him off. "Why is she still here? Secretary's and associates shouldn't be here" he stated looking to Jess.

That set me off, not only did was he plain rude but to Jess. "I'm sorry but Jess is my partner, she is neither a scretary or associate so she has every right to be here" I said, Jess looked at me, her face said shock but her soft brown eyes said relief. "Mr. Wills, Jessica and Adam are our best agents" max said, him trying to defend Jess. "I know I read there files but ypu know, with every dynamic duo. There's always a batman" he said.

"Why not have Jess here?" I ask, he smirks. "I don't like here, she's to nice to be a agent" he responded, I was getting angrier. "It's okay I'll go just fill me in after" she said quietly to me, I look at her. "Thank you uhh, jordan" he said, that did it. "Her name is Jess and she is my partner, if she goes so do I!" I nearly yelled before Jess cpuld turn the door handle.

"Mr. Wills I think you'll find Jess ti be very important soon enough. Agent please come back we have much to discuss." Max said, she nodded her head and took her seat beside me. I grabbed her hand and gripped it tightly for a second, it didn't take rocket scientist to know that hurt, she was human. But she was my partner and I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

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