113 Westbound

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    Adams pov:

    Music played through my ears and I leaned against the pole. It was 7:30 and I was waiting for the train. '113 Westbound train arriving in 3 minutes' came over the speakers. You couldn't make out what it said if only hearing it for the first time but I take this train everyday. I took out my earphones and shoved them into my pocket along with my iPhone. I stood behind the yellow line as the train came to a stop. I walked in and took a seat, this train was weird, there was one seat instead of two but two seats facing each other.  The train was packed, I pulled out my phone and checked my email.

   I was so caught up in my email I didn't notice we had gone two stops over. 2 men one in a suit another in sweats and a women, she was gorgeous. She had on black leggings and a white t-shirt. Her hair laying over her shoulder as she walked over to me. "Is this seat taken?" She asked sweetly, I smiled back. "No please sit" I said, she said down putting her purse next to her. "I'm jess" she said, I shoved my phone in my pocket. "Adam" I responded, she smiled and look out the window. "Not to pry but where are you coming from?" She asked, I didn't mind.

(I don't know Washington geography so I'll just make something up. Sorry peeps)

    "Gravia" I say, she nods. "I'm heading to Siscon" she said, I thought about it for a second. "That's the stop just after mine" I say, she smiles. "That's cool, I just got a new job. Do you ride everyday?" Jess asks, I nod my head as we come to my stop. "Save me a spot tomorrow" she says, I smile and get off.

    From then we rode the train together everyday for a year, we've become great friends. Her feet rest up on my lap well she's listening to music. I untie and tie her shoes again andnd again. "Adam is something on your mind?" She asks, I look up. "I have to ask you something" I blurt out earning myself a shush from other riders. She takes her earphones out takes her feet off my lap. She leans forward and rests her elbows on her thighs, holding her head up. "What is it?" She questions. "Jess u know we don't see eachother a lot outside of this train but I somehow I have manage go fall for you so, Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, she looks at me shocked and nods her head. "Yes!" She screams, that earns another shush. "Yes.." she wisphers. I chuckle and kiss her contently.

    Who knew that I would meet my girlfriend, wife, love of my life, mother of my children and over all soul mate on the 113 Westbound?

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