Not skymau but for someone:)

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    ems outfit

   Kiss me Good Luck:

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   Kiss me Good Luck:

Adams pov:

    "Are you sure you know where your going?" I asked, she scoffed and rolled her eyes at me as we climbed the lonely back staircase. "When ate you going to learn not to doubt me?" She questions, I chuckle. "When you actually get us to the panel" I retort. She laughs as I open the door for her. We can hear loud talking as we navigate through concrete tunnels. There a sly humming sound echoing in the backround.

    For a second, I let myself watch her. Her black skirt swayed around her legs perfect with every step she took. Her sleeves occasionally hit my arm but I didn't mind. Her wedges made her taller but not taller then I. She was actually pretty short in real life, only a few inches taller then Jess but yet her lags were gorgeous.

    I snap back to my senses and put that all away. I'm her boss, I shouldn't be looking at her like that. But I don't want to be just her boss, I want to mean something to her. But she doesn't feel that way too.

    "Em, would you ever want to be in a panel?" I ask, she grins. "I would but I'd have no purpose, I don't play games like you do" she says, I smile. "I see, one day I'm inviting you out onto stage" I say, she looks at me quickly, her hair flipping around with her. "Don't you dare" she says, she's afraid I can tell. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and chuckle. "Fine fine" I say, she looks away from me but I can tell her cheeks are pink.

    We finally make it back stage. I stay with her even though I could be talking with my panel members. "Adam you should be with the other panel members" she says, I smile. Your more fun to talk to." I say, she rolls her eyes. "Come with me for a second" I say, I take her to the hallway. "I need to tell you something" I say, she looks at me longily. Her beautiful eyes staring at me. "I really like you Em. I've tried not to but I can't help it when I see you every morning or when you bring me coffee I just-"

   She stops me and kisses me abruptly, I wrap my arms around her waist and hers go around my neck. "What was that for?" I ask, she smiled and blushes. I stare at her contently realizing I was wrong. "A kiss good luck, your on" she says shoving me back stage. I chuckles and kiss her cheek before running on stage to screaming fans.

    The whole panel I thought about her

   5 years later

    She brushes past me with Ty in her hands. "Sorry hun" she says, I chuckle at her frantic packing, Ty in one arm t-shirts and pants in the other. "Em baby" I say getting her attention. "Yeah?" She asks, I motion her to come over. She sighs and put the clothes down, walking over to me. I hug her tight, I glance around the hotel room. "We have a panel to get to. We can pack after dear" I say, she nods, I lift her chin up to my face. I swear, she hasn't aged at all. Her hair falls over her shoulders, she's grown it out to a nice length, her cheeks still have that glow. "You look beautiful Em" I say, she snuggles into chest as Ty giggles. "Alright we have to go, kiss good luck?" I ask, she looks back up at me with a smile. She presses up onto her tippy toes and kisses me. "I love you" I say, she grins lovingly. "I love you too"  she replied and we headed off to the panel....

   So here you go pips. Hope this worked😊 BTW the video is NY me, I have mithmau ones too

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