We Had A Baby Together

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Jess's pov:

It wasn't supposed to happen, but for some reason... I have no regrets. I finished brushing my hair. It fell straight over my shoulders and beige dress. It's going to be the first night I leave Adam and Chrissy alone. "Okay Adam, I'm ready and Tiff and Lizzie will be here in like 5 minutes" I said walking out, he was holding our baby girl in his arms. We weren't together though, even though I felt a little bit more for him.

"Jess you look absolutely gorgeous" he said, I noticed him look me up and down briefly. I smiled and walked to the kitchen to grab my wallet. He keeps staring at me. "What?" I ask, he chuckles. "You just look so.." he trails off bouncing the baby. He walks over close to me, my eyes dart to Chrissy and up to his lips then eyes. "Do look at me like that" I say, he smirks. "I'm trying not to get any ideas" he says all cocky like. "Hey last time that happened, that happened" I said pointing to Chrissy, he chuckled.

"97 percent" he said looking me up and down. "3 percent" I said.

Adams pov:

She took Chrissy from me as she said " percent", I chuckled. She walked back into the living room playing with our little girl. She bounced happily smiling, speaking, giggling etc. I loved my girls, so much. There was a knock at the door, I opened it and let Lizzie and Tiffany in. I gave them a quick hug, Jess walked over with a smile. "Chrissy awe she's gotten so big" Tiffany said, she handed the baby off to me. She didn't want to leave her, I could tell. I gave a look to Lizzie and Tiffany, they nodded. "Jess we'll meet you in the car" Lizzie said and they slipped out.

"Maybe I shouldn't go, maybe I should stay home with you guys" she said running her finger down Chrissy's little cheek. "Jess your going out, our baby girl will be fine I promise" I say, she smiled. "Promise you'll call me if something goes wrong" she says, I kiss her head. "I promise" I say, she nods and kisses Chrissy's head. "Good by my beautiful girl" she says and slips put the door.

I take Chrissy to the window and we watch her mother drive off. "She'll come back, she always will" I say, I look down at Chrissy. She was staring up at me contently, I smiled, she was listening to me. "You know I love you mother, alot" I say. "Mama" she says, she's been doing that alot, repeating stuff from around the house. This morning she asked me where the window cleaner was. It made Jess and I laugh. "I love Jess" I said...

Jess's pov:

I was changing Chrissy's diaper, she giggled at me as I made a funny face. "Mama" she said, she chuckled as he walked by and into the living room. "I looooooooove yooooou" I said in a sing song voice. "I love Jess" she said as I was reaching for some baby powder. I stopped and turned to her. "What?" I wispher, she giggles again. "I love you" I say. "I love Jess" she says kicking her feet, my eyes wide. I turned around and stared at Adam, he was folding clothes behind the couch.

"You love me" I said, he turned around and walked over. "I'm sorry?" He asks, I turn to Chrissy. "Iiiii looooooooove yooooou" I say, she giggles. "I love Jess" she replied, swinging her legs. "I didn't teach her that" I say, he looked down in embarrassment. "I love Adam" I speak, he looks at me. "I love Adam" she repeats, I look at her happily. "So do I sweetheart"  I said with a giggle. I look back at Adam, he wraps his arms around my waist, mine go around his neck. "So what about "we just had a baby together"" I said, he smiled. "Look were already like 5 steps ahead of most couples we know" he said, I smiled and laughed. "I guess so" I said. He kissed me happily and I hugged him.

    "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I reply, Chrissy giggles. "You should probably finish changing her and call Tiffany to take care of her." He says, I look at him confused. "I'm taking you out for lunch" he said huskily,I smiled and got ready for a nice lunch with Adam...

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