Partners pt. 5- White

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Adams pov:

    I watched her slip the gun into her garder, it was white and laid high on her thigh. Must say, one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. She fixed her dress so it layer flat. It was white, it flowed down her body perfectly, it was simple white all the way held up by two thin straps. I fixed my tux and attempted to tie my bow tie. Attempt is the key word. "Adam" she said, I looked up from the tie. She walked over and grabbed it from me. "It's like tying a shoelace" she stated easily tying it around my neck. She brushed my shoulders and straightened my blazer.

    "Looking sharp agents" Max said walking through the door, Parker following after. "So, you will be crashing Naomi's very fancy dinner party. We have reason to believe Marius might know about our lead and tends to harm Noami before we can get to her. " Parker said, Jess put her ear piece in her ear. "You have gone undercover thousands of times so I feel there is no need to explain proto call but if there is any direct threat to Jess's life get the hell out, understood?" Max said sternly, we nodded.

    "Good, you will be playing a newly engaged couple." Parker said, Max handed Jess a ring. She slipped it on and smiled to me. "Fiance, shall we?" She asked, I chuckled and took her arm with mine. "We will talk to you when your inside" Parker added, we stepped into the limo and went to the venue.

     As we walked in I swear every man in the room looked Jess up and down. I shot a protective look and they backed off. We went to the bar and ordered a drink. The man beside us ordered a rare drink (not a real drink btw), a sinni pale. We walked over and saw Noami, she was a pretty women but nothing compared to Jess. "Naomi, hi I'm Jess this Adam. Could we have a moment of your time?" Jess asks kindly, the women looks as if she's going to ignore us. "Miss" I say, she looks over to me and I slightly show her my gun resting underneath my jacket. She nods and we go into a private room.

     "Are you going to hurt me? " she asks, Jess sweetly smiles. "No. In fact we are here to make sure that doesn't happen. We are investigating your ex husband" Jess says. "Marius? No please I just got my life back on track, I have a son" Noami begs, I step in. "You won't be harmed, if you don't mind we'd like you set you up with security for the time being" I say, Noami nods. Jess makes a call well I re-asure Noami that her son will be safe.

    "Noami, please enjoy the rest of your party. We were only here to inform you of the events." I say, Noami smiles. "Please stay and enjoy. But congratulations on the engagment" she says, I feel my cheeks flush. "We arnt together, undercover actually" I say, Jess nods. "Really?! I could've sworn you two were really engaged. You seem so perfect together and for eachother" Noami says. We walk out and go back to the party. "Get all that Max" I ask quietly. "Yes" Parker and Max respond in unison. I give a smile to Jess, she smiles back.

    "How about a dance?" I ask extending my hand to her. "Gladly" she replies. She takes my hand and I guide her to the dance floor. I lace her hand in mine and hold her to me tightly, her free harm goes around my neck. "So for our wedding, I was thinking the colours could be, gold and purple" she says, I pretend to think about it. "I like that, what if we had white roses?" I propose, she smiles and nods. "Sure" she says. "Have you picked a dress yet?" I ask, she shakes her head. "No, I've been busy" she states, I nod. "Well I know whatever you chose will be beautiful" I say, she smiles as I spin her. "What makes you so sure?" She asks, she places her head on chest, I hold her closer and place my head on hers. "Because your wearing white right now and it looks gorgeous" I say, she looks up at me and kisses my cheek. We dance the rest in silence until Max comes throw our ear pieces.

    "Guys we have a problem..."

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