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Adams pov:

    She walked out her house swiftly. She looked gorgeous, her dress swayed perfectly around her legs and her heels clicked perfectly in sinc with my heart beat. As much as I tried not to, I had to look at the lines of her dress, very strapy and open back apart from the cross.

 As much as I tried not to, I had to look at the lines of her dress, very strapy and open back apart from the cross

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   Her hair was perfectly straightened behind her back, the wind sweeping it there. Damn. Jess knew how to dress up. "And my pants got tighter" I said, she smiled innocently. "Not my fault, you didn't have to stare" she said climbing into the limo. "How could I not?" I said climbing in as well.

   She sat across the table from me, she sipped her wine. A lady walked beside me. "Hi I'm Elcair, I believe I sit here" she said kindly. "Adam, please sit" I said, she looked over to Jess. "Jess is that you!" She says happily. "Yep" Jess said, she was smiling but I could see anger in her eyes. Was she jealous?

    "I'm going to meet a few people" Jess said and got up quickly and walked over to Mark and Felix. I watched her give them both hugs. I wonder if she was jealous. I was half listening to Eclair and half thinking about Jess and her dress. Eclair went on a on about herself, I noticed Felix left and Mark had his hands all over Jess. I wonder what there talking about.

Jess's pov:

   "He's been listening to her talk the whole time! He likes her doesn't he?" I ask Mark, he chuckles and gives me a pity full grin. "We don't usually listen unless we like a women, the only reason I'm listening to you is because I'm to lazy to go it on another lady" he said, I laughed. I looked over at him, he was still listening, why do I want him go stop? I don't like him, I'm not jealous I just don't want him to be with her. Eclair. I hate her, she's snobby and rude, she bullied me in high school.

    "Jess are you jealous?" Mark asks. "No. No. I just really hate this chick" I said almost growling. Mark placed his hand on my side. He winked, I look over at sky and cough him glance at me. I giggled and Mark pulled me closer.

   Adams pov

My plan wasn't working, Jess wasn't getting jealous. But I, I sure was. I excused myself from Eclair and walked over to Jess and Mark. "Excuse me but I must take this" I say taking Jess in a fireman's carry. I could've sworn mark gave her a thumbs up as we left the space and into the halls over the hotel.

*Smut, don't read if you hate Smut. No hate k? This was a request*

   I opened the room and dropped her on the bed. "Sky what the hell?" she asks, I shut the door and pounced on her, her back hit the matress with a thud as I kissed her. I pulled away, she looked up at me. For a second list filled her deep eyes then plead then innocence, then... pure want. "I have been thinking about you all night" I wisphered into her ear then nibbling her earlobe, she giggled. "Really? What kind of thoughts?" She teased, I looked back up at her face and into her eyes. "Naughty ones" I said, she smirked and pulled my tie, bringing our lips back together.

    My hand rested on her hip well the other kept me balanced. I slide my arm under her back and pulled her body up to mine. Her back arched and she sighed deeply with a grin on her face. She left her neck exposed doing so, I took my chance. I started at the beginning of her jaw, kissing her all the way down to her neck. Then I hit a spot, on her neck that made her sharply inhale. "What have I found?" I say, my hot breath against her neck. "Your going to leave me a moaning mess" she said, she looked up at me through her eyelashes longingly. I didn't reply, I kissed that spot again, I could feel her whole body tense as my lips left the spot.

    I answered her silent plead and bit and sucked on her neck, she moaned. I stopped and looked at my mark. "That's a bad one I can tell" she said. "Did I hurt you?" I ask, though I so desperately just wanted to divorer her I still cared. "God no, but really how bad?" She asked, I smirked. "Purple enough to match your dress" I said, she giggled. "Speaking of that I think your dress would match the floor perfectly" I wisphered in her ear. "If you can figure out how you get it off" she challenge, I sat up bringing her with me so she was on my lap. I lifted her chin up and slowly kissed down to her shoulder.

   I slide the strap off making sure to run my figertips down her arm slowly. That gave her goosebumps. I did it to the other side and she moaned. "Adam your taking to long" she whined. I chuckled and lifted her dress over her head. She was wearing a bra! Dang. "You were wearing a bra" I said, she started to un button my shirt but not before slipping my tie over my head. I traced the sides over her torso not expecting her to push me onto my back and climb over me. She kissed me and wasted no time getting her tounge back into my mouth. She pulled away and kissed down my neck. "Your turn" she wisphered playfully, I slapped her as and she giggled, giving me  a hickey to match hers.

   We laid down beside each other catching our breath. She looked over to me and smiled. "So am I much better then that bitch Eclair?" She asked, I smirked and kissed her. "That answer your question?" I ask, she nods asked giggles.

   Something I will truly never understand about Jess is that one minutes she's all cute,giggling and smiling the next she's a beast in bed, moaning and scratching then all cute again. I placed my hand on her hip and hovered over her, I kissed her nose then the purple mark on her neck. "Adam?" She asked. "Yes gorgeous?" I ask, she smiles. "Thus may be stupid but does this mean we are going to give you know... us... a try?" She asks, I nod whole hearty and kiss her. "Then I don't feel so weird about saying this" she says, I look at her waiting.

   She looks to the night table then up at me through her long eyelashes with lust. "Round two?" She questions, her voice raspy from the first time, there may have been screaming. "I'd love too" I say and we kiss again...



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