Driving with the Windows Down.... And the Roof?

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Jess was never really a fan of long car rides, cramped inside a car for hours, who would like that?! Certainly not her, Adam other hand didn't mind them, that was probably because of his car.

"Jess are you okay?" Adam asked when he picked up her suitcase and put it in his trunk. Her face was saddened and almost agitated. "I'm okay, just not th biggest fan of roadtrips" she said with a small smile. He gave one back and they took their seats, Adam driving ofcourse.

They hadn't talked all that much, the air conditioning being the only sound. Adam looked over to Jess, she was looking out the window to the dry empty road, the ones you see in music videos. He noticed the drip of sweat run down her temple. "Hey Jess" he said, she turned over to him. "Hot?" He asked, she nodded. "Can I put the window down?" She asks, he smiles. "You don't have to ask" he says.

She put the window all the way down and sticks her hand out. Adam puts down the rest of the windows to. They drove like that for a while, Adam looked over to Jess periodically, she didn't seem to cheer up. She wasn't trying to be like this, she was happy to be with him but this wasn't her idea of a good time.

He took one hand off the wheel and placed it on her thigh. She looked from te window to his hand then to his smiling face. He pressed a button and the roof moved backwards, and only the sky was above them. Aphmau smiled for the first time on the road.

After that they talk for a good two hours until they pulled over on the lonely dark road to stretch. "This has been fun so far" Jess stats leaning against the hood, looking at Adam. 'Kiss me' she thought to herself. He stood infront of her then beside. "I'm glad your enjoying yourself now" he said with a sweet smile. His hand found hers on the hood. "Jess I...." he started.

"A...adam" she stuttered. "I..." I said. "K.. kiss me!" She blurted out. "I know it's blunt but kiss me!" She said, he happily abliged, he leaned over her and kissed her. She almost fainted from happiness, she shifted so she was sitting on the car hood hoping not to fall over. They pulled away. "Thank you" she said shyly, cheeks red and locked her lips. "Someone wants another kiss" he said smirk.

Jess stayed quiet looking down, embarrassed. He lifted her chin with his finger. "So do I..." he said and kissed her gently. She had to stop to smile. "Your cute" he says, she smiles and looks back at the front seats. "Wanna go?" She asks, immediatly remember Britney Spears music video. "Sure" he says kissing her forehead and they get back on the road.

Talking once again, Jess staring out the window perodicavlly, for Adam, one hand on the wheel the other holding Jess' or on the thigh. And ofcourse, driving with the Windows, and the roof down..

Wow that sucked, anyway, suggestions please!

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