Prom Night

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Special thank to @KiwiKeko_Sama

"Is it weird if I don't have a date?" Jess asked, Tiffany laughed (yes ihascupquake). "Of course not, you look stunning" She said, it was true. Jess looked stunning in her dress, gold beaded at the top and white to her feet. Hair curled perfectly and her shoes gave her just the height she needed. "Thanks Tiff, the boutenir you got for Red is really sweet" Jess mentioned, Tiffany blushed. "Okay your ready" she said curling the last piece of Jess's hair.

"Go find Red" Jess said. "Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" She questioned. "Yeah yeah, I'm going to call Adam" Jess answered and pushed her friend inside. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Adams number, she knew it by heat by now. "Hello" he answered. "Hi" she said, he smiled behind the phone at her voice. "How's Prom?" He asked, she sighed. "My date ditched me" she said, he could here the sadness in her voice. What he would do to be there for her, but he was in two cities over, in his first year of collage.

"Well he's a jerk, go have fun with your friends and forget him" he said, she laughed. "I will, I'd rather stay home watching movies now but this dress needs to be worn out" she says, this time he chuckles. "I'll see you soon Jess" he said. "Okay, bye Adam" she said and hung up. She walked in and found her friends...

It was nearing the end of the night, almost the last song. She felt a tap on her shoulder. "Yes?" She said turning around, she then realized everyone was looking in one direction. She looked to the doors. "Adam?" She said, she got up and ran to him. "I know I'm a little late but Jess" he said. "Yeah?" She asked. "Will you go to your prom with me?" He asked, she smiled. "Ofcourse" she said and hugged him tight.

"This will be the last dance" the announcement said, Adam took her hand and guided her to the dance floor. "How did you manage?" She asked, he smiled. "You sounded sad over the phone, so I borrowed my dorm mates tux and took the train here" he said. "For me?" She questioned, he nodded. "Thank you" she said holding him tighter. He pulled her closer, her head against his chest he smiled.

"Jess" he said. "Mhm" she replied. "I love you, like really love you. I know we've been friends for a long time but since that night I've really had some strong feeling for you, I thought you should know" he said, she looked up at him. In her heels she stood as tall as she could as kissed him, he kissed her back. "I love you too" she said, they smiled at each other.

They went back to Jess's house. "Oh my god shoes off" she said throwing her shoes on the floor. He chuckled as she flopped onto the couch. "You okay?" He asked walking into the kitchen, making her a coffee. He brought it over. "Thanks, I'm perfect so perfect" she said and kissed him cheek. She put her coffee on the coffee table (mhm fitting) she sat down beside him. "Come here you goof" he said and pulled her into his arms. She giggled. "Sorry" she said. "Yeah how you gonna make up for it?" He asked, she smiled and ran up the stairs. "Jess" he said and ran after her laughing. She ran into her bedroom. He ran after her and shut the door behind him ;)

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