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Adams pov:

     I walked in the house with high hopes, maybe I'll meet some new friends or something. Or maybe, I'll meet a girl... but by looking at alot of the girls here, they don't seem like my type. All the girls here look kind of petty to me, hanging onto the guys like accessories. I walked around looking for someone to hang out with, then I saw her....

    When I said 'every girl' I meant it,except her. She had a fierce smile and she bounced the white ping pong ball along the table, having it land perfectly in the red solo cup. She threw her hands up in the air and cheered, she earned many high fives and stares. I watched her bounce another, easily into the cup. Her black hair bounced around her shoulder and she jumped up in joy.

     She was attractive, I'm not going to lie. She. Was. Hot. She stepped away from the table and walked over to the mini bar. She sat down and ordered a drink, her wallet fell out of her back pocket. I walked over and pick it up, sitting down beside her. "Hey you dro-" she cut me off. "Please just 2 minutes, without being hit on please" she said sipping her drink. "I'm not here to hit on you" I lied. "You dropped your wallet" I say, she looks down at my hand holding her wallet then back up to me. "I'm so sorry!" She says placing a hand on my shoulder.

    I smile and pat her hand. "It's okay, I bet you've been bugged alot tonight. I'll leave you alone" I say, she stops me by grabbing my arm. "No stay, you seem like a nice guy" she says, I take my seat back. "I'm sorry, I just have a headache and alot of guys have tried to get in my pants tonight" she says, that gives me a idea. "Headache huh? Follow me" I say offering my hand. She carefully takes it as I guide her out onto a patio. There's a couch floating in the pool but it's light up by lanterns from party city.

     "Better?" I ask, she sighs happily and turns to me. "Thank you" she says, I smile. "So you never told me your name" I say, she face palms and laughs. "Jessica but call me Jess" she says sitting on the patio couch, the one not sitting in the pool of course. "Adam" I reply sitting beside her but also facing her. "Adam thank you, for not trying to put your arm around me or slapping my ass." She says with a sly laugh. "I'm not going to lie to you Jess, when I first saw you I wanted to" I say slightly embarrassed.

    "Well I'm not going to lie either, I came here looking for a guy but most of them are jerks" she says. "I promise I am not a jerk" I say scoffing I running my hand throw my hair jokingly. She giggles and slides closer to me, throwing her leg over my lap. "I know, I could tell" she said, I run my hand up her thigh. "Adam I don't usually kiss guys at parties" she says, I sadly look down. "Usually I don't, but I think I can make a exception tonight" she says, I look up at her. She's embarrassed about what she just said.

     I lift her chin with my finger and smile. "Jess I didn't tell you, but your very cute when you blush" I say, she giggles. We lean in and I feel her smile against my lips. We spend the next hour glued to each other. Until her phone starts to ring. "You should get that" I say, she sighs. "But I'm having fun" she says, I pat her thigh. "Answer it" I say, she sighs.



"Do I have to"


"Fine I'll be there in 10"


She hangs up and frowns. "My friend is outside, I have to go" she says sadly. I lift her chin and kiss her again. "We can stay in touch" I say, she nods and hands me her phone. I put in my number and she hugs me. "How's your head?" I ask, she smiles. "Much better thank you" she says, she stands up and walks away...

  Yep she's still hot.

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