Stupid Little Crush

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   I want her to be mine so bad, but sadly I can't have her. She's married with children, yes so was I (divorced to be exact) this is just a stupid little crush, but I couldn't help imagine what it would be like if we were married...

  " Morning darling" she said passing me, I was siting on the bar stool pulled up to the island. She was making eggs, they smelled great. I had my laptop out in front of me, I was browsing houses. I loved out little beach house but it was getting kind of small, expecially  with three kids running around. "Hey gorgeous come look at this" I said without even thinking. She placed her spatula down on the counter and walked over. She stood behind me and rested her head on my shoulders. "4 bed room, 3 bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, basement plus two floors, pool, balcony" I listed, she sighed happily. "It's perfect, can we even afford it?" She asks, I show her the price and she gasps. "We should take the kids to the open house later" she says, I smiled. "I think the eggs might be burning sweetheart" I say, she kisses my cheek and returns to cooking.
"Daddy daddy look what I made!" Julia says running around the corner, I shut my laptop and lift her up onto the counter. She holds up a macaroni and bead necklace. "Oh wow Jules it wonderful, I think I'll wear it to work today!" I say placing it onto my neck. She giggles and kicks her legs happily. "I'm going to go play with Mason!" She says, Joseph comes around the corner with his little brother in his arms. He hasn't learned to walk yet but he's quite the crawler. "Alright my three children grab a plate breakfast is ready" Jess says happily. "You to Adam" she adds. "Adam..."

    "Adam..?" "ADAM?!" Jess yells standing in the door way. "Oh uh what happened?" I ask, she chuckles. "Well I walked in because you sent Tim to come find me. He said you found a potential place to move the offices" she stated. "Oh yeah right! Sorry" I said, she smiled. "It's okay" she says, I wave her over. She walks in a little further and shuts the door. "Alright Jess come look at this" I say, she walks behind me and puts her head on my shoulder. My cheeks become hog and read. "25 offices, 3 large rooms for sets, kitchen, bathroom" I say, she takes a look. "Adam can we afford this space?" She asks, she was right. This place was pricy but it was perfect. "We can if we invest. We can't get new equipment like we planned though but I think it be worth it" I say, she nods. She sits up on my desk. "This isn't only my desicion Adam, we are a team. We do all this together" she says...

   "Come on sweet heart" I heard from the living room. Jess and the kids and I were taking a break from moving boxes and we're just lounging around. Jess was trying to teach mason to walk. He was still very unstable. I grabbed juice boxes for Julia and Joseph who were happily watching TV on the couch. "Alright I think he can do it I just need you to sit over there so he can walk to you" she says, her ponytail was loose and little hairs framed her face. He blue jeans she first got 4 years ago were now faded and torn, my t-shirt sat on her tied at the back and her cardigan moving as she lifted her arms to cheer quickly. I smiled and sat down a short distance away from her and Mason. She stood him up and held his waist. "Okay team mate you ready?" She asked me...

   "I think we can" I state, she slides off my desk and jumps three times. "Were doing this! It's gonna happen" she says.

    "He's doing it" she says happily, she carefully moves beside him incase he falls. Joseph recording this whole thing, Mason gets to me and collapses in my lap giggling. Jess sheds a tear. "I told myself I wouldn't cry!" She says...

   I wipe a tear of her cheek. "Those better be tears of happiness" I say, she nods. I look at her face, studying each and every one of her features. "Come here" I Say and pull her into a hug.

    She snuggles into my neck with Mason between us. Julia and Joseph come around and hug us. "I love you Adam"..

   "I love you too Jess"...

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