You Are Truly Lovely

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Adams pov:

"This is my first Pax I'm so exited!" She said doing a small dance in the airport. Ah you are truly lovely

She walked around Pax for 6 hours with me and not once no matter what she was doing, how tired so was, how sore her back or feet were. She never, ever said no to a photo, question and autograph. It made me smile every time we'd take a selfie with a fan and then get tagged in it two minutes later. She looked gorgeous in all of them of course.

"Hey Adam I have go to the washroom do you know ehere it is?" She asked, I smiled. "Of course cmon" I said, we walked over and I pointed. "Thanks" she said, she walked over, I watched her incase something happened. She didn't walk into the bathroom but slide around the corner, where no one was. She took a deep breath and massaged her temples, then the back of her head. Headache? Wait that means she's hehaydrated if it's at the back of her head. We've been so busy that we haven't stopped for food or water.

She took a advil and took another deep breath. She walked back over to me, I pretended I saw nothing. "I think we should stop and get something to eat" I suggested. "We have a panal in 15 minutes I don't think we have time" she said looking at her phone, I saw her schedule, it was jam packed. "We can pick something up and eat well we walk, Jess your practically stumbling around. You need something" I said staring directly at her. "Okay Adam" she said, I grabbed her hand to make sure she was following me. I pretty sure all sky may shippers screamed at once when we walked together holding hands. She giggles, ah she so cute.

"so let's talk about what happened when aph and sky or jess and Adam walked in" Ross said, she started to blush. "Well, uh" she said and giggled. I rubbed her back and chuckled. "Jess you are truly lovely" I said and she giggled. "Inside joke" we said in unison.


"Adam darling!" She called in her British accent. "Yes love?" I replied walking into the kitchen. "I made dinner, would you like some?" She asked. "Yes darling I would enjoy some" I said, she smiled and made me a plate....

"This was delicious" I said in my normal voice. "Thank you, I don't cook often" she said with a smile. Her smile was gorgeous. "Your a great cook sweetheart, you are truly lovely" I said in my British accent, we giggled and snuggled up on the couch...

She looked up at me. "You as well darling" she said in her accent. Man was she every beautiful when she blushed.

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