Partners pt 6- Somebody to Die For

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Later that night.

    Adam and Jess walked up his driveway easily and comfortably.... sort of. Though talking like friends and allies they both knew of the danger that could be lurking around. He turned the key in the lock and opened the door. They were greeted with the sound of a cocking gun. "Welcome home" said Parker. "What the fuck is going on?" Adam asked, Parker laughed. "Get her" he spat and men in black (no pun intended) grabbed Jess, she fought of as best she could be they seemed to know her every move.

    "We told you what would happen if you didn't drop the case." He spat. "Oh my god it was you. Your Matthieus" Jess exclaimed. "Correct gorgeous, I was really wrong about you. You are smart, but not smart enough to keep your feeling hidden" he sneered, Adam looked like her wanted to explode. "You love this man don't you!? You have for a long time and he loves you and you two know it. I bet you've even thought about marrying each other,  having two kids maybe?" He spoke with confidence.

     He pulled his gun up to her head. "I'm sorry sweetie" he said. "Wait!" Adam yelled. "Kill me instead" he said, Jess's eyes widen to the size of quaters. "Adam  no, you can't through your life away." She said, trying to reach for him put hastily being shoved back. He walked over to her, with Parkers signal the men moved."Jess my life will he nothing the second a bullet goes through your head" he said, he gently cupped her cheek. "I don't need this life. I need somebody to die for" he said, he pulled Jess onto her tip toes and kissed her gently. Then a sound came from outside...

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