We Both Need This Right Now

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Jason and Alesa are wonderful people and I'm so happy Adam and Jess are with in happy marriages

Jess's pov:

"Hey Adam, Jason and I are on our way down to set" I said, Jason walked behind me and moved me to the side. He walked through the kitchen and looked at his phone. He smirked, what the hell? "Okay Alesa and I are on our way, I need to talk to you when we get there" he said, hne sounded kind of sad. "Me too. I'll see you soon" I said. "Bye" "bye" we said.

"Ready to go babe?" I asked, he nodded and walked out. "Somethings going on with him" I wisphered to myself and grabbed my purse. We drove to set and I walked in. "Adam, you here yet?" I yelled, it was still early in the day so none of the crew was here yet. "Hey" he said and Alesa and himself came around the corner. "I feel like it's been forever" I said hugging him. "That's because we were working together everyday then took a week vacation" he said. "Jason hey" he said giving him a "bro hug". "Well we have a lot to catch up on, I stopped and picked up coffee" I said pointing to the tray of four coffers I had placed on the table. "Thank you" he said, Jason gave Alesa a hug, one that shouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

"Here I'll grab your coffee Jason" I said breaking their hug. I handed him his coffee as Alesa and Adam grabbed their own. "Jess do you wanna go over shooting plans?" Adam asked. I nodded and we started to walk down the hallway. Silently but twe were both thinking the same thing. "Jess" he said. "Mhm" I replied. "Do you think that" he said. "Yes" I answered, he nodded. "I tale it you" I started said. "Yeah" he said, she sighed.

He gave me a hug. "Why don't we shoot the longer stuff first?" He suggested. "Sure" i said, we walked back to main set. The rest of the crew was there now. "Okay guys we ate going to shoot scene 7 page 4, now" Adam annouced, I walked over to Jason and told him it was going to be a longer shoot. He nodded and went off somewhere...

"Wow we knocked that out of the park!"
He said giving me a high five. "That didn't take long at all" he said, we smiled and talked well we walked down the hall towards our lounge. When we opened the door I wanted to cry. "Jason..." I said, Adam couldn't speak. "Adam!" Alesa said quickly getting off of Jason's lap. "Don't come near me" he said, him and I backed up. "Baby we can talk this out" Jason said, I backed up some more. "No don't touch me, go back to making out with Alesa" I said harshly and walked away. Adam quickly followed and told the crew we had to wrap up for the day.

We met up at the small cafe we always go to for lunch. Once he walked in her didn't say anything, he just hugged me. "How could I be so stupid? " I asked, he kept me held in his arms. "You know this isn't your fault hun" he said softly rubbing my back. "Yours either" I said, I didn't know what to say, our partners cheated on us with each other, how do you approach that?

"I have a idea." He said, I looked up at him. "Let's go up to my cottage, just for the night" he said. "but we have shooting tomorrow" I said, he sighed. "I think we both need this right now" Adam said, I nodded. After we were packed we headed up to the cottage...

We sat on the couch in front of the fire place. "Adam?" I said. "Yeah?" He said. "Can we cuddle together? Y know since.." I sniffed, he didn't answer, just pulled me into his arms. He was warm, unlike I. Even with the blanket and fireplace. "Jess" he said, I looked up at him. "Don't leave me okay?" He said, I smiled. "I wont. We both need each other right now" I said and he kissed the top of my head.

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