Mission 047

312 10 1

Adam pov:

The four of us ran out the base and into the black jeep wagon. "Okay Step on it we can't lose him!" Ross said, Max hopped in the back seat behind him. "Yeah I'm tired of this basted ruining my wedding dress shopping! Hold this" she said tossing her vail to Max. "I promise after this we will find something baby" i said looking at Jess. She put her gun in her waist band of her black jeans and put her jacket on.

    "There they are" Ross said, a blazing ferrari was driving in front of us. Jess undid her seat belt. "Okay Ross, call fbi for backup, Adam get as close as you can, Max cover me." She said, she put down her window and climbed onto the hood. I got closer. "Becareful darling remember, 2 weeks" I yell to her. She looks down at her engagement ring. She nodded. I will now get closer" she said, they started to shot at her. Max fires back as she dives onto their car.

    She breaks the drivers side window and the cars serves. She almost falls be catches herself. She punches the diver and the cars goes out of control. "Shit!" She yells, she climbs in.

   Jess pov:

   Oh my lord. I put myself in cruise and spin the car around, now I'm facing Adam, I reverse and we drive in the same lane. He looks at me amazed, I smile. I spin another time and drove beside Adam. Now we're both going about 200 on the road. We start to slow down till we come to a stop.

   I get out and the swat take the car. I run over to my partners. Ross and Max hug me. I give them a high five too. "Excuse me" Adam says to swat and walks over to me and gives me the biggest kiss. "Are you hurt?" He asks, I look and my hand, few cuts but not broken. "Might have a good bruise later but not broken" I say, he inspects my fingers. "Adam I'm okay" I say, he hugs me. "You are so amazing" he says, I smile. "I can not wait to marry you" I say, he kisses me again.

   "Let's go home" he says, we walk hand and hand back to the Ferrari. "It's only kind of broken" he says and we drive home..

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