Chapter 14

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"How'd you know?"

"Heard her babbling to her friend about she trapped the blind girl in the bathroom" ugghh doesnt she have a life ?

"So you going tell him ?" Dennis asked again. Was i ? Hell  no.

"No! Are you crazy ?"

"What is so crazy about it ?"

"August would flip-"
"And ? He dont like her anyway"
I rolled my eyes. He is not thinking straight.

"I cant tell August ye-"
"Tell me what ?" August came out of no where .. well obviously it would be out of no where because i cant see .
He wrapped his hands around me and kissed my cheek.

I leaned and hugged him. "To tell you...uh..uhm" i was nervous to tell him this . I didnt wanna talk about that girl. Maybe later.
I kept my face close to his.

"To tell you that ..that ..that i love you" there was this silent pause . I wondering what the hell was going on... did i say it at a wrong time? Just then his lips crashed on mines.

I could feel all the love he had for me and it wasnt a small thing. This kiss had me curling my toes. I've never felt like this in my life.

I could kiss him forever... but i had to breathe. I pulled away but not to far away. "I luh you to ma" he pecked me.

"Aawwwwwwwwww" i heard Becca and Dennis gush.
Then i kept hearing it with more people before people started applauding. Oh hell was i embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I hid my face in August's neck.

He chuckled. "My baby just shy" did he have to call me that ? Makin it a whole lot worse for me! People were still clapping . But i couldnt help but think about the girl..but who cares . I wanna enjoy this moment.

"Yall are too cute"Becca gushed.
After a couple minutes everyone settled down and went back to their own thing.

"Remember our deal August?" I asked him. I really wanted to hear him sing.


"You going sing for me"
"Ohh yea i forgot"

"Uhuh well ima swing by later after school .. we could go together"

"No!!" He quickly said making me jump in fright. He recollected himself because then he started talking normal " Na i cant babe"
I kind felt dissapointed.

"I got things to handle"
I raised my eyebrow."what kind of things ?"

"Family things" thats all i needed to hear. Once its about family its important.

"Swing by a lil later like around 4 then i'll be there"  he kissed my forehead.

"Look at yall being all couple-yy and stuff" Dennis said .. icould hear him faking some tears.

"I was vouching for yall since the beginning .... they grow so fast" ughh they are so dramatic. I swear.

The bell rang so before we all went our seperate ways August placed his hands on each side of my side of my face and kissed me. He deepened the kiss knowing we had class. I didnt mind ofcourse but we have class!

He pulled away " stay beautiful for me ma"ofcourse i blushed were you expecting me not tooo. Gosh this child. Has my heartbeat irregular everytime he kisses me.

"And make sure you keep them lips cold so i cuh warm them up for ya later" i could imagine him smirking.

Rebecca grabbed my hand gushing about me and him while pulling me to class.


"Ok we are here" Rebecca pulled the car to a stop. I stepped out of the car

"Thanks hunty" I blew her a kiss. "Save them for August boo " really ?! Ughhhh she got me blushing now . I walked my way up and knocked in the door.

After a couple of seconds I hear the door open "hey how can I help you ?" I heard her say.

"Hey I'm Mya I came by for August" I said politely .

"Oh he's suppose to be on his way back why don't you come inside" I stepped in  but I felt lost I needed some guidance.I didn't want to explicitly tell her that I was blind. I hate saying those words.

"Come on have a seat" here is the hard part. I tried walking cautiously , I was following her voice. I wanted to stretch my hands forth to feel for the wall and the couch but I didn't want to. I'd be to embarrass to say it.

"Come on I gotchu" she pulled me by hand and led me to the couch.  "If you needed help all you had to do was ask"

"How did you -"

"Girl I am August sister ,well sister in law I know everything" sigh what a relief. Cool.

"You want some red wine ? I'm having some myself" I shook my head 'no' " no thanks "

"Lemme introduce myself my name is Chandra and I got 2 kids all girls" well that's cute. Might as well get to know her.

"Hey I wanna apologize I didn't know August had to pick you up last Sunday if I knew I would have made him come church another time" I said sincerely.

"What ?" I heard confusion in her voice. "I came unexpected no one knew I was comin I didn't even have his number so I couldn't call him" what? This son of a- Heavenly Father you and you alone know how I don't like liars. But you know what I won't do nothing yet.

"Oh-well maybe I mixed you up with someone else sorry" just wait till I come up with something good. He going feel it.

"No problem ma"

"So I have a question are you religious ?"

"Yuup I believe in God , I don't completely live according to his word" I nodded understanding what she said.

"Well I was gonna ask you to come church with me Sunday but I forgot that you guys have a family dinner or family something on Sunday's " since she is religious I could bring her and August's mom.

"What ? What are you talking about ? We haven't had one of those in years" she chuckled.

"Well okay then , can I have some that red wine you were talking about earlier?"

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