Chapter 28

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Mya pov
Here he goes again disappearing.
When he's here though he's quiet. He doesn't speak on a regular and it's driving me nuts. He won't tell me anything.
Why won't he let me in I have no idea.
We don't talk the same , all convos are dry as ever and I feel like I've lost my boyfriend. He's empty of emotions I guess. The affection he tries to show isn't even enough to cover up the hurt.

All of us were now in church.
During worship I was just thinking about all that he's done.
He was driving me crazy , wild even with his mood swings.

I didn't even notice I was crying until my body starting shaking. Thankfully I wasn't leading. Before I knew it becca pulled at me .
"Hey ma , you okay ?" I couldn't even answer. She pulled me up and we went outside.

"What's wrong ma ?"
I shook my head. I didn't wanna tell people what was going wrong in my relationship because it sometimes changes the way they see people and the first they'd say is break up with him.

"Cmon Mya you can't just cry for nothing something has to be bothering you"

"It's just .. August"

"What about him Hun ?"
"He's been different for the past couple weeks now. He's hurting me with his words . With the way he doesn't have time for me by the way he doesn't show much affection. Last time I told him that he doesn't talk the same he told me maybe now I'm getting to see the real him. So what he's been a fake from the jump of the relationship ?"
I breathe out by now I was cool. Eyes a lil puffy but still good.

"Well hunny maybe he's going through something tough however you don't deserve to be treated like that. You need to tell him about it. Boo he needs to know that he's hurting you "

"I will. Please don't tell him anything " I know he too damn well.

"Nah this ain't my business, you can handle that yourself " I smiled in appreciation.

"You going back up ?" I shook my head "nah ion feel like going back in there just yet "

"Alright well I'll be back to check on you"
"Thanks love "

I lowered myself further into the chair for comfort.
I heard my youth leader making jokes outside there so I sorta panicked. I dried my eyes quickly and pretend to be fixing my clothes.

"Heyyyy Mya the girl that brings the fire girl sing better than Mariah"
Ever since he knew my name he been rappin to it like crazy.

"Hey wassup"
"Question is why are you down stairs and not upstairs "


"Were you crying ?"
"No I haven't , what makes you say that ?"
"You're a bad liar you know that " he chuckles "for one yours eyes are puffy your nose too is kind of red."

"Whatever " he laughs.
"Aye when I pass back I don't wanna see you down here alright "
I nodded.

As the time passed I didn't wanna go back up. I hid in the conference room. My bestie pulled up beside sayin I looked too fleeky to not be taking selfies. Such a Rebecca.
When the service was over I was soo happy to go home .

Before I left August pulled me aside. " you straight ?" I nodded "you sure ?" I nodded again.

"Aight" he kissed my forehead then my lips "I'll talk to you later" I nodded and went with Rebecca.

I wasn't over how I felt. I was really hurt. I didn't show it much. I kept it all to myself. Cried it out from time to time.

Some times all the conversation could consist of is good morning or good afternoon it's never more than that.

Later that day....
As if I wasn't emotional enough.

I was layin down on my bed. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody. I was drained physically and emotionally, at least that's what I thought .

Until I got a phone call that tore me apart ....

I knew that ringtone by heart , my baby was calling.

"Hey August "
"Hey ma , how you doin ?"
"I'm fine " I started to feel somewhat better cause I thought maybe he was gonna try to make it up to me. I mean instead of Rebecca him being my boyfriend should have been the first by my side.

"Aye ma ... Why you love me?"
That question was out of the blue.

"Well there's so much reasons why"
"You taught me how to love myself , you make me feel beautiful just by the way you treat like a princess. Your the first to ever go all out for me. I know what we have is real. I feel it in my heart. I've never had someone like you in my life before that cared about me so much you drive me crazy. Your laugh your jokes your sweet corny lines. Being in your embrace. You just bring this vibe that brings life to me. I love you August Alsina."

After all that the line went silent..
I know he's gonna say he loves me too and then we'll be back on good terms.
I had my hopes up high that I'd hear him say those four words even more words about how much he loves me too.

"I'm sorry Mya " I feel my heart drop
"I can't do this..."
Just like that my world crashed.

"Don't do this...." My voice broke before I even got to finish.

"I'm sorry Mya but I can't you deserve so much more -"

" but I want youuu! Cut that crap out!!" As if i hadn't cried enough earlier

"Mya just stop... I can't continue this ..this has all been fun but-"

"You're saying that you don't love me !"
"I do love you Mya -"
"No you don't cause then you wouldn't be doin me this you'd rather fight " I broke down. I couldn't hold back as much as I wanted to.
"Noo you listen to me you not goin to break up with me over the phone if you think you crazy , you're going to do in person because I wanna make sure you see the hurt you causing me" I hung up one time.

I curled up in my bed and cried my eyes out. I can't believe after all we've been through he was just ready to throw it away over something he was going through.

God help me... Please help me

Happy holidays everyone !!❤️ do enjoy.

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