You Can Come To Me - A Raura Fan Fic

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©2013 AnnaRockette

Laura's POV

Ross: "Here I am with all my heart, I hope you understand."

Laura: "I know I let you down, but I'm never gonna make that mistake again."

Ross: "You brought me closer to who I really am."

Laura: "Come take my hand."

Ross: "I want the world see,"

Laura and Ross: "What you mean to me."

After we finished the song smiled at him, and he returned the smile back. His smile was warm and welcoming, I didn't mean it in THAT way though. I mean were best friends I don't want to give up our friendship. Also we are only nine, I don't want a- eww I don't even want to say it. I hadn't even noticed that I was still looking into his eyes until he started waving his hand in front of me.

"Laur, Laura, Laura Marie Marano?!" Ross nearly yelled.

"Wha? Huh?" I questioned.

"I said let's go to the treehouse!" he exclaimed.

"Uh, sure!" I said.

We walked out of my house, into the backyard, walked beside the treehouse, climbed up the ladder, and slid inside. It was very silent, just how I liked it. But this time Ross was very quiet, he was looking down. He finally looked up and started to open his mouth, it was open but no words came out. Something's wrong, I know it.

"Ross is there something wro-" I got interrupted by his voice starting to say something. He suddenly stopped when we heard footsteps on the grass. He quickly got out of the treehouse and stopped to look behind. I gave him a shocked and questioning look. Instead, he started running again and into his own house.

"Ross! Wait!" I ran out if treehouse and started to run out of my backyard to the front yard. But just to get stopped by my mother in the way. I gave her a little smile, and started to run past her. She yanked me by the arm, and stared straight into my eyes.

"I saw ALL of that! That Ross kid is hiding something BAD!" my mother yelled.

"No he's NOT! Let me go so I can talk to him!" I yelled back.

"You don't talk to your mother like that! And I'm NOT letting you talk to him!" She practically screamed.

"I can always sneak to his house! So what are you going to do?!" I screamed.

"Oh you can't sneak it his house anymore," she said creepily.

"Why?" I asked quietly.


I figured Ross had heard that because I heard a pounding noise coming from his window. He started to tear up, before I could communicate with him he shut his curtains. I started to tear up as well, but before my expression was visible I ran into the house, ran up the stairs and went into Vanessa and I's room. I ran to my bed and laid flat on top.


I suddenly heard a knocking noise from the door.

"Who is it?!" I said groggily.

"It's Riker."

Well what does HE want? I walked up to the door and opened it lazily.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Woah! Someone's not a morning person, but I was here to say bye to Vanessa before you guys leave."

"That was true?!" I nearly yelled.

"Huh? Well... could you go get Vanessa please?" Riker asked.

"Yeesh, I didn't know you liked her THAT much!" I laughed hysterically.

"Shhh! Just please get her!"

I walked over to Vanessa's bed and held her shoulders then I started shaking her back and forth.

"Ugh, what?! I already packed!" Vanessa said annoyed.

"Oh I wanted to tell you that your boy- er I meant that Riker is here." she blushed when I was about to say "boyfriend."

"Oh, erm hi Riker...." Vanessa said trailing off.

"Well, this is awkward. Uh, I will leave you guys here alone I guess," I said while walking out the door.

I bumped into the same blondie that had gotten me in trouble last night how nice -.-.

"Hi Lau-"

"I don't feel like talking to you right now." I interrupted sternly.

"I-I'm sorry Laur, I didn't know-"

"YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT?! WHAT DID YOU NOT KNOW!" I screamed at him while tearing up a little.

"B-But Laur I wanted to talk to you a-about uh..." Ross trailed off.

"What?! You know what stop wasting my time!" I yelled.

I ran outside to see that the taxi was already here and that Dad packed up all of our stuff. I knew my stuff was already in there so I knew I had to get Vanessa. I went back inside and up the stairs to see that Riker and Vanessa were- EWW! Eating each other's faces!

When they saw me Riker said bye then went out if the house.

"Guess who got a new boyfriend!" Vanessa whisper-shouted.

"Kayla?" I asked sarcastically.

"No silly, I DID!"

"No time to chat, wait you got your phone?" I asked her I knew she could NOT live without it.


"Then let's GO!"

We ran out of the house and without hesitating we got in the cab, and quickly drove away. In the distance I saw Ross as he was getting smaller and smaller. Until he was out of sight.


I've tried my best :3

Uhh yeah :E

-Anna Bri😋

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