Chapter 10

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Laura's POV

I reading a sheet of music, then I felt a tap on my shoulder and a cramp, a very bad one. I saw Rydel smiling at me. I gave her a confused look.

"What song is that?" she asked.

"Oh it's called You Can Come to Me, I wrote it," I responded.

She nodded then smiled then went back to whatever she was doing. I sighed, Ross was nice and all but I missed out on a lot. A lot. But at least I have Rydel and Sky. Well that's all I have, I know I have Vanessa but she doesn't even live with me! I frowned because of my thoughts, my really weird thoughts. Then I felt another tap, I guess Rydel wants to know a lot.

"Wha- Oh hi Ross."

"Why are you frowning?" Ross asked.

"Nothing," I said forcing a smile.

"You sure?" he asked again.

"I'm super sure," I said still smiling.

"Okay?" he said then sitting back down.

I don't know why but I still just kept my smile on, but when my face was getting tired I just removed my smile. I was just too tired, but I couldn't sleep though because 1) I'm on a plane and 2) were almost there. Can't wait!!! Plus we only have 4 more hours until we land. What am I going to do for 4 hours? I had an idea, I grabbed my phone out of my bag and started listening to some tunes.

Oh my gosh! Brokenhearted had just came on! I turned it all the way up, then I nodded my head with the rhythm. Then I felt another tap. Why are people so nosy? I looked over and saw Kelly smirking then she winked. What was that about?

These 4 hours will be pretty long...

-4 hours later-

We finally landed and called a taxi, we were also using our old house that I used to live in! I knew that I was going to see that big house again! But we were in the taxi cab right now, plus it was a 15 minute drive. It's not that long. I just looked out of the window.

Yay! We're here at my old house! I wanted to hug it so badly, but I would look like a weirdo. We all went inside and everyone except Vanessa and I looked around.

"Wow, why would you leave this HUGE house!" Ryland said.

"We went back for one of my birthday presents," I replied.

"This place has 5 guest rooms. So I will sort you guys out," Vanessa said. I guess she was the boss.

"Okay, Riker is with Ryland, Rydel is with Kelly, Ross is alone, Stormie is with Mark, and Elli-"

"Call me Ratliff!" Ratliff cut her off.

Vanessa just rolled her eyes.

"Ratliff is with Rocky, and you guys get to choose your rooms, they're downstairs" Vanessa finished.

Once she was done talking everyone rushed downstairs to go choose their rooms. Vanessa and I laughed. We got our stuff and went upstairs to our rooms, since our parents didn't make it Vanessa called dibs on our parents' room. I didn't really care, I loved our room.

But now I call it mine.


Huh? Huh? Sorry it's short, just a filler. A few votes for next chapter tomorrow? Follow me on Instagram!


Anna Bri😋

You Can Come To Me - A Raura Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now