Chapter 3

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Laura's POV

We're on the plane to Miami, I don't know how to feel about it. But Vanessa couldn't keep herself calm. When she slept she screeches about, you know who, Riker. But the thing is whenever she gets looks from other passengers, then I get looks. Pretty embarrassing right? Well for my mom and dad, well they were pretty calm. But me, I have mixed feelings about going back. Am I really doing this? Laura, you're going back no matter what!


15-18 hours later


We finally got off the plane and out of the airport. My dad waved at a taxi, then we all put our stuff in the back then drove away from the airport. Boy I was bored. I took out my iPad and got on Instagram, I looked at one of my posts.

@lauramarano going back to Miami!


@ayee_itz_kylie: I'll see ya soon! I missed you!!!

@mamajoannasmile: CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE YOU!

@rainydaychatter: I guess I'll see you soon ;)

I smiled at all the comments, they were really sweet. I kinda feel better now. I think I'll be good living back in Miami. A few minutes later we stopped at our old house. Boy how much I missed this place. My dad payed the driver, and got all of our stuff then the taxi drove away. The first thing Vanessa did was knock on the Lynch's door. Someone answered then let her in. This means I have to carry BOTH of our stuff. I held all of Vanessa and I's stuff then entered the house, it was so empty. Can't wait to fill it up again! I smiled, then walked up the stairs and into our old room. Hmm, I guess dad left the beds here. I placed Vanessa's stuff down then started unpacking my things.

An hour or so later the whole entire house was restored and filled up again. I wanted to take a walk to the park, I put on my red converse got my guitar, and walked out the door.

Ross's POV

Kayla and I got out our phones and got on Instagram we both took a photo together then posted it.

"What should we say?" Kayla asked.

"What about 'Were official!'" I exclaimed.


We both typed it down then posted. We already got a lot of comments

@rossr5/@kayladreamsdiamonds Were official!


@caseyjamezz: you guys are a good match :)

@lisamcclain: you two are something ;D

@starsnearmars: idk about this, but congrats you two!

Kayla and I looked at the rest of the comments and smiled as we read them. They were really supportive, and I appreciate that. When we were done looking at the comments, I gave Kayla a smile and she returned the smile.

"Hey Ross?" Kayla said.


"Want to go to the park?" she asked.

"Sure!" I exclaimed.

We put on our shoes then walked out the door. We intertwined our fingers on our way to the park. We got closer to the park when I heard a voice, sounds like someone's singing a song.

"I like her voice," Kayla said while smiling.

"Me too," I smiled back.

Laura's POV

I sat down on a bench, I picked up my guitar then started singing a song that I heard on the radio.

......(On Verse 2-Chorus)......

I stopped singing when I saw a blo- Ross? I also saw him with a girl, they were intertwining hands. I'm guessing they are together.

"Excuse me? We really love your voice!" Ross said.

"Ross?" I said.

"Uh, you know me?" he asked.

"Ross, stop playing dumb I know you know me." I replied.

"Uh, what's your name again?"

Wow, he really did forget me. Didn't he....


What did you guys think? Stuff? Stuff...

-Anna Bri😋

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