Chapter 25

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Laura's POV

Oh no.

"I-I'm...going to go to college, and I want to start my acting carrier again," Vanessa said.

"Vanessa, remember what happened to us after we were on that show? It got discontinued because of us!" I practically yelled.

"It didn't, Laura! The cast got pneumonia! I just want to give it another shot!" she yelled back.

"And what about you? Don't you want to get out of here and have another chance in the spotlight?" she added softly.

"I-I don't know Vanessa."

"Well Laura, I've auditioned already and I've got the part. Now all I have to do is go to California," she said.

"No you can't leave."

"I have to Laura, this is my chance."

I sighed.

"Okay, but I'll visit you every once in a while," I said.

"Sure, oh my taxi is here," Vanessa said.

She got her stuff and put it inside the trunk of the taxi. We hugged then we let go.

"Good luck," I whispered.

"You too," she said and smiled.

She went inside the taxi and drove away.

"Good luck Vanessa, good luck."

Ross's POV

I felt guilty for hurting Laura when she didn't deserve it. But if I try to stop Miranda and Chelsea, they'll think I'm friends with Laura right after I had the problem with her.

I mean there was actually no problem after all. I guess I was over reacting. I need to apologize, I have to. I ran to her house and knocked on the door. It opened up with a messy Laura right beside it.

"What do you want Ross?" she said harshly.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry," I said.

"Say it all you want, but you have to make Chelsea and Miranda stop. I know what they're trying to do. When you're done, I'll know. But saying sorry now is not the time," she sobbed.

"Well what happened?" I asked curiously.

"Vanessa left for Hollywood 20 minutes ago," she replied sadly.

Honestly I felt bad for her, Riker left for Hollywood too. He left a few weeks ago, but I'm also moving there too. Well when I'm 17.

"Don't worry Laura, you'll get to visit her. Or even Skype her, call her at least! Also watch her on TV!" I said trying to cheer her up.

Her frown turned upside down (A/N: see what I did there *wink)

"Thanks Ross," she said then hugged me.

We let go and I turned around to leave.

"Ross wait," she called.

I turned back around.

"Can you be here with me?" she asked.

"Sure," I grinned.

I walked inside and we watched TV. She got off the couch and headed for the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's a suprise!"

I continued watching TV until she came back with M&M pancakes. I gasped.

"Oh my gosh," I said slowly.

She smirked and nodded.

"They're for you," she said.

"For me?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes you," she replied.

She handed me the plate of pancakes, then handed me a knife, a fork, and butter. I thanked her and started eating them. I heard her giggle, I playfully glared at her. I continued eating the pancakes until the plate was completely clean. Laura gawked at the sight.

"They call me the pancake man."

"I've noticed."


Holla! How was it?! Short, I know. Sorry. I'm not going to put much in here today. Well cya!

-Anna Bri😋

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