Chapter 14

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Laura's POV

I did something wrong, didn't I. I am selfish, too self centered. Why did I say yes? Why? I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see big old Kayla. Just so you know she's a few inches taller than me.

"H-Hi Kayla," I said forcing a smile.

"So, where's you're date," she asked me.

"Oh, I don't have one."

"Of course you have one! It was Ross!" she yelled.

"N-No he took me as a fr-"

"Yeah right! I'm going to snap your neck in half!"

"Tee hee," I said, but she snarled.


I ran out the door. I looked behind me, she's still chasing after me. I turned my head back around and kept running. I tripped on something then smashed my face to the ground. I cried for help. No one came to help me. I tried getting up, but then I heard something snap. I fell back down. I screamed and yelped. But nobody helped. (A/N: Hey that rhymes!)

I struggled with keeping my eyes open, with no hesitation I shut them closed.

(Awkward Skipping Point o-o)

I woke up to the sound of a beeping noise. I slightly opened one eye, everything was white and baby blue.

"Hey, how're you feeling?"


"How're you feeling after you left me?"

"Terrible, I would've told you but I was in such a hurry to-" he cut himself off.

I glared at him.

"If you're not going to talk, just go away!" I said, my voice cracking I'm the middle of my sentence.

He frowned then walked out of the room. Gee, didn't know that I was that bossy.

"Hey Laur Laur!" a voice said.

Hey...I recognize that voice from anywhere!

"How're you feeling?"


"Raini!" I said excitedly.

"Laur Laur!" she said with joy.

"So...How's everything?" I said in a girly voice.

"Everything's fine, I mean fine," she replied in the same voice.

"'s Ross?" she said.

Oh no.

"Uh Ross?"

Ross's POV

I went to get a drink of water. I then sat down with my beverage thinking of what I did.

How could I forget her at homecoming?!

I had a confusing personality. No one understands me.

Whoa there Ross, don't lose your self esteem.

Oh who am I kidding. Ever since Laura came back, she's been stressed with me. I don't know why. She's been acting different. Plus it's like she's hiding something.

I have to apologize.

I stood up and started walking through the long hallway until I saw the number.


I was about to walk in, but there were voices.

"'s Ross?" a voice said.

"Uh Ross?" Laura spoke.

"Of course Ross, duh."

"Raini, I've been trying to keep a secret from Ross. I don't want you to tell him, please don't."

Why wouldn't she tell me?

"I cross my heart."

"I have another best friend."

She has another what?!

"Wait why?"

"It's because Ross is too, well, confusing and all over the place. He's too hard to catch on with," Laura replied.

How could Laura say that?!

"And I don't care how he reacts! I'm not his best friend anymore! I now have Lydia, you, Joanna, Callie, Ma-"

I had to settle this. I had barged through the door and spoke.

"You know what?! I can't believe you feel that way about me! That's it! Bye Laura, I can't believe you!"

Raini had wide eyes and Laura, well, she did what she said. She didn't care how I reacted. She was emotionless.

"Wow such a stalker, I have knew you had a sneaky side," Laura said then rolled her eyes.

"Just so you know, if you ate some of that makeup you would be more beautiful on the inside," I responded.

"Ross, what have you become?!" she screamed.

A nurse had came in.

"I'm sorry sir, but you are intimidating her. If she does not relax, her throat might not recover," the nurse said.

I gave Laura a "what's wrong with you" look. She just sat there with Raini by her side. I left the room with disbelief.

How could she do that?


Oh boy, DA MADNESS!!!!! O_o
I gave you guys a partially longer chapter for reasons o-o. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter!

•Instagram - @itzbasicbri

•Twitter - @kitkatkrash

Anna Bri😋

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