Chapter 28

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Laura's POV

By the time we finished packing, everything was in boxes. I was still upset that I was leaving this house. It had all the memories. But I thought of the bright side. We're going to LA! What's wrong with that?! Oh yeah, nothing of course.

"Laura?!" Ross yelled.

"Yeah?!" I yelled back.

"Come over here!"

I followed his voice which led to the kitchen. He held up a picture. It read:

There's no way I could make it without you.

How'd he find it?

"You might be wondering where I found it," he said.

Woah, he read my mind.

I nodded.

"It was in an empty box of cereal, I don't know why."

Then Ross checked his watch.

"We have to go, the taxi will come in any minute."

"And Laura, your stu-" he started.

"The movers will pick up the furniture and eventually move it to California," I cut him off.

"Oh okay," was all he said.

I picked up two bags and a small pet carrier to bring with me on the plane. One is filled with my electronics, and the other is just a purse with makeup, money, traveler ID (I hope I said that right), etc. I slipped Sky inside the pet carrier.

We walked to the Lynch house, everyone was either was carrying a duffle bag or a rucksack. I looked around and sighed. I'm going to miss this place. My mom and dad were buried here, but I think I could visit sometime.

A few moments later the taxis came. Since they're the medium kind, 5 of us went in one of them and the other 5 went in the other taxi. Before we knew it, we were on our way to the airport.

We had to go through security check first. But then we were all set,

we only had to wait for our plane. Rydel was on her phone playing Where's My Water, Kelly's head was on Ratliff's lap, Rocky was on Twitter, Ross was in the bathroom, Ryland was also on twitter, Stormie and Mark were chatting about the new house, and I was just sitting on a chair trying to get comfortable with Sly by my side.

Eventually we got on the plane. Riker sat alone, Ratliff sat with Kelly, Rocky sat with Ryland, apparently Ross sat alone, Stormie sat with Mark, and I sat with Rydel.

"We will arrive at Los Angeles around 4 o'clock, we hope you enjoy your flight," the pilot said.

I sighed and took out my phone.

"You still have a flip phone?" Rydel asked.

"Uh yeah, hello? It's awesome!" I exclaimed.

I looked at my phone, then put it back in my purse. I slightly opened the pet carrier and pet Sky. When I finished petting her, I closed the carrier. Then I had a question.



"Why are we moving a year early?" I asked.

"My mom said that we could be settled," she answered.

I made my mouth to the shape of an O to let her know that I understand. All she did was laugh, so I laughed along with her.


Hi! This is a filler so yeah!


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