Chapter 6

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Laura's POV

I smiled, but then my smile faded away.

This was written 3 years ago, I mean nothing to him.


I sighed, what am I supposed to do? He already started a life, a real life. An actual life that has a relationship in it. I haven't been in his life for such a long time.

I just ripped the picture, then threw it away. I needed some sleep I was pretty tired. Nah. I'm going to watch TV or something. I went into the bedroom and laid on the bed. Then I got the remote and flocked through the channels. Pretty Little Liars came on! I LOVE this show! I started watching it and got a quick snack.

I went back into the room, then started watching again. A bit later I started to get a little bit tired, then my eyes started to get heavy. I tried to stay awake, but failed and drifted to a nice sleep.

Ross's POV

I hope this plan works, I thought.

I walked up to the Marano's house and knocked on the door. It opened up and showed Vanessa.

"Hi, how are ya?" Vanessa asked.

"Good, uh where's Laura?" I asked.

"She said she was at a friend's house, don't know which friend though."

"Well thanks anyway," I said walking away.

Then I heard their door shut behind me. I made Laura feel like nothing.


Ross how would you forget her? Who knows? Oh yeah, me!

I guess there's one more place to look, but I have to run. It's raining hard. I ran into the woods and found a pond that has a cabin next to it. I took out my keys and looked for the key to unlock the door. Great, I threw out the key.

Oh well.

I knocked on the door, the door swung open.

"What are you doing here in the storm?" she asked groggily.

"I wanted to give these to you," I said revealing the roses from behind my back.

"I'm sorry, I can't take them. It's fine if you don't remember me, you have your own life now," and with that she shut the door.

I just put the roses next to her door, then walked away.

Her voice repeated in my head

You have your own life now, you have your own life now.

Laura's POV

Why did I say that?! He might be thinking that I'm weird or something. Wait, why do I care of what he thinks? Oh I don't know, I just sound desperate.

That's it, I'm going to get Ross off of my mind.

I went back to the door, then opened it to see if Ross was still there. But he was out of plain sight. I saw the roses that Ross was holding right next to the door. I picked them up and closed the door behind me. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a vase for the roses and put them in.

I put the case on a table, then walked back to the bedroom. I was too tired, I turned off the TV then fell asleep all over again.


How was it??? Sorry that it's SOOOO short so stuff..... Uhh.... Next chapter might be a little late.... Hah?

-Anna Bri😋

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