Chapter 16

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Laura's POV

I went up to their door and knocked.

"Hey, wha-" Rydel glared at me.

I just stared at her blankly.

"What do you want?"

"I-I came here to see R-Ross, i-is he here?" I stuttered.

"Of course he is, he's been his room for 5 straight days! He didn't even want to go to school!"

Before I could respond Rydel tackled me. I tried to stand up, but she was holding me down to hard. The next thing I knew was that she started choking me.

"Ry-*cough* p-please s-stop."

She rolled her eyes at me.

"Why would I stop?"

"B-Because I thought *cough* we were f-friends?!"

"We're not anymore, you know why? It's because what you have done to my brother. No one, I mean no one, hurts my brother."

After that she let go of my throat and let me fall. She picked me up then threw me onto the street.

"What are you doing?!" I asked her.

"Trying to 'help' you of course."

I heard a car, it was going super fast. But then I felt two hands pick me up, they took me away somewhere in the woods.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name's Logan," the person responded.

He let me down, and I stood up on my feet. I looked at him for a second.

"Why are we here?"

"I tried to save you from that car."

"Why did you save me?"

"Because I wouldn't want anybody to die like that, especially you."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Way too far, I just met the guy!

"Uh well thanks?"

"Here," he said, giving me a piece of paper.

I looked at the paper, a phone number. I looked back up, but he was gone. I sighed.


People always do that to me!

I walked through the woods to find my house. I stepped on a few twigs and such. I finally found my house, I took out my key then opened the door. I walked inside, and I closed the door behind me.

Something's not right.

I can't put my finger on it...Wait...

Where's Sky?!

She usually runs up to me when I open the door. Maybe I accidentally locked her in her room.

I went up to Sky's door, then I opened it.

"Sky? Sky, are you there?"

No barking. No breathing. No Sky.

I started to panic. I started to cry as well.

Wait! I have security cameras put up!

I ran into the computer room, turned on the monitor and clicked on the application. I rewinded the footage and started watching.


I left to apologize to Ross, Sky whines for company. She eats some of her food, then gets a drink. She walks into her room and lays down on her bed.

She closes her eyes and goes to sleep.

-After about 20-30 minutes-

Sky wakes up to a noise, it was from the window. The window from her room opens. Then a figure climbs inside.

"Rydel?" I whispered to myself.

She grabs Sky and attempts to get out of the house through the window. But they heard a noise coming from the door. I walk inside. Rydel and Sky go inside the closet quickly and quietly.

-End of Footage-

Wait, if I didn't see the closet door open again, Rydel is still here. Plus I saw a knife.

"Is she going to hurt Sky, or is she going hurt me?" I whispered.

Suddenly I heard a noise, it must be Rydel. But it sounded a whimpering from Sky.

Oh no. Rydel might've hurt her.

I ran out of the room and looked for Sky. I followed the sound of her whimpering, which led me to the kitchen. I gasped at the sight.

"Rydel! What did you do to Sky?!"

"I hurt your best friend, now you know how Ross feels!"

"I didn't physically hurt him! I didn't even hurt him at all!"

"What is your problem?! I was trying to help you!" she responded.

"Well your helping isn't helping out!"

"Of course it isn't! You know why? It's because your a heartbreaker!"

"I broke nobody's heart!"

"You broke Ross's! You're not paying attention to anything you do."

"Get out!" I screamed at her.

She rolled her eyes, went out the door and slammed it behind her.

"Sky?*sniffle*Are you okay? I'm going to take you to a pet hospital."

She whimpered.

"Why did she have to cut off your tail?!" I yelled.

I called Stormie, maybe she'll drive us.


Sorry that I made Rydel wacko in this chapter. I mean I wanted to make a little twist. She's always nice in the fan fictions that I read.

Anyhoo, vote for the next chapter! I want some feedback from you guys, so please try to comment!

-Anna Bri😋

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