Chapter 36

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BOSISJDJDJDNDKDJDJCJDJ!!!!! 10k reads?! OMG!! Thank you SOOOOOOOO MUCH! Enjoy the chapter!


Ross' POV

The family and I were watching a movie. Honestly I was pretty bored. It was a romance film called "Roses for Rosie".

Apparently this guy named Kent likes this girl named Rosie, and Rosie likes him back blah, blah, blah. Then a guy named Tyson comes along and starts dating Rosie.

Soon Rosie forgets her feelings for Kent, and Kent gets very sad and emotional. And then one night he pulled a prank on Tyson and Rosie saw him. She said that Kent ruined their friendship.

But I don't know what happens next, I'm still watching the movie.


Now everyone fell asleep, but Rocky looked like he was wide awake even though he wasn't. I took out the DVD and put it away. Then I walked upstairs, leaving everyone else on the couch asleep.

When I got to my room, I found a piece of paper flying around. It looked pretty familiar. I grabbed the piece of paper and read it to myself.

You never knew me before I knew you, I couldn't find the right words to tell you this. But I ~~~~~~

I couldn't read the last few words all because of my terrible first grade handwriting. I sighed. I even forgot who it was for. I couldn't think right. I was too tired.

My eyes had shut and my mind has taken me to a dream...

"Hey," Laura said harshly.

"Um yeah?" I ask confused.

"Sara told me you lied about our friendship. It was all a bet?" she explained.

Wait. A bet? Our friendship was a lie? I forgot that it was a bet.

"Yes it was a bet," I said ashamed.

Then she slapped me really hard.

"You would've told me this, oh I don't know, 10 years ago!" Laura yelled.

"Laura I'm-"

"Don't! I finally found a guy that understands me, and it was all a lie?!" she raised her voice.

"Please, give me another-"

"No!" Laura screamed and ran away.

I ran after her and nearly tripped on a few free roots in the woods. I finally found her with a guy on a tree trunk.

When she saw me, she glared and hugged the guy. The guy was Logan, he took out a knife and stabbed it to her back. Laura started crying.

"Laura!" I cried.

"Leave. Me. Alone," she said trying to speak.

"Logan. Take. Me. Away. Fro-" she tried to speak again, but instead she went out-cold.


Logan ran away from the scene.

I ran over to Laura and shook her.

"Laura! Can you hear me?!" I yell, shaking her back and forth.

She slightly opened her eyes.

"It's all your fault, Ross. Why did you do the stupid bet?"

"I-I don't know."

Suddenly her eyes turned plain black and she growled. I ran away from her, but it was too late.

I quickly sat up and breathed heavily. Our friendship was a bet. I can't tell Laura.

She'll be heartbroken. I sighed. Speaking of heartbroken, I forgot to do something.

I picked up my phone and dialed Chelsea's number. After a few rings, someone picked up.


"Um hi Chels," I greet nervously.

"Where are you? I can't find you anywhere!"

"Um about that, I think we have to break up."

"Huh? Why?!"

"I can't have a long distance relationship," I said.

"You moved?! Where to? I can move there and still be with you!"

"I'm not telling you Chelsea James Martin."

"Don't say my middle name! People are listening to-"

I heard giggles in the back.

"Why would you do this to-"

I hung up. At least that was over with.

"Great job, Ross," a voice whispered.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Rydel giving me a thumbs up. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"You were listening, weren't you."

"Yep," Rydel said happily.

"I thought you were-"

"Nope. I was pretending to sleep."

"I figured."

"So what are you going to tell Laura?" Rydel said frowning.

"Tell Laura what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"About the bet."

I stood there wide-eyed.

"Uhm, uh. I don't know."

Rydel sighed.

"You have to tell her. You've even hiding to many things."

"Okay. G'night."

"Night," Rydel said and walked away.

I plop myself down onto my bed and thought about how and when I'm going to tell her.

Laura's voice popped into my head, she was singing a song that she wrote.

As she sang I slowly fell into a light sleep.
















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