Chapter 4

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Ross's POV

"Uh, what's your name again?" I asked.

She just stared at me blankly. With a hint of disbelief.

"I'm the girl that you almost told me so- uh never mind about that." she said.

I gave her a confused look.

"Hi I'm Laura Marano, nice to meet you," she said, putting her hand out to shake.

I shook her hand and she shook Kayla's.

"Well I have to go somewhere, bye." Then she ran away with her guitar.

"What was that all about?" Kayla asked curiously.

"I have NO idea." I replied.

Wait, she said her name was Laura Marano. I have to look in our photo book

"Ross, I have to go eat lunch," Kayla said.

"Okay, see ya later." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then she smiled and walked away.

Laura, Laura Marano.... I ran back to my house, went up to my room and took out an orange and blue striped book. Inside the book there were photos of our family, Ratliff, Kelly, and Kayla. But on the last picture of Kayla and I, I saw some pictures of another girl and I. I smiled at the pictures, then on the last picture it said Laura + Ross = Best Friends Forever. How could I for- I nearly told her my secret... She was about to be the first ever person that I have ever told... Why would I forget her? Wow Ross you did something stupid again. I have to regain our friendship. But how???

Wait I think I know something....

Laura's POV

Where am I going? Oh yeah somewhere away from Ross. I felt so embarrassed, why do I have to be so 'serious'? I went into the woods and found a small cabin with a small pond next to it along with a bench. I remember that Ross and I found this place a few years ago, good times....


"Ross where are we going?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"I don't want to be in the woods, Ross."

"What a scared six-year-old," he joked.

"What a childish five-year-old," I mimicked him.

He gave me a pouty face. But I wasn't buying it.

"Hey Ross."


"Look at that small house!"

"Let's go!" Ross exclaimed.

We walked over to the bench and sat down. I figured that he was bored just sitting there, so he just started humming them I joined in. Which turned out to be us two singing. We giggled then told each other secrets, until our parents started shouting our names. Then we knew we had to go back. We said bye to each other then walked separate ways

-End of Flashback-

What am I going to do? Not looking forward to starting our whole entire friendship all over again....


What's Ross going to do? The suspense...
Soz that it's SO short, busy with stuff as in SCHOOL.

-Anna Bri😋

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