Chapter 24

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Ross's POV

I walked up to Chelsea and Miranda

"So how's the plan going?" I asked.

"Working like a charm, I got rid of her friends," Miranda said.

"She's so gullible, she believed that her friends would embarrass her!" Chelsea laughed.

I laughed as well.

"Well I have to go to class, see you two later," I said.

"Kk, see ya!" they both said and walked away.

I guess I can miss one class and go to the park for a bit.

I walked out the doors and headed for the park. On the way I saw Laura, wasn't she at school? Then I saw her again, but in different clothes. I saw her again and again and again. (A/N: Sort of like when Ally thought an elder was Austin. Boy, that was funny.)

Then all the Lauras looked at me.

"Why did you hurt me Ross?" they all said at once.

I didn't say anything.


"I-I didn't hurt you," I stuttered.

"Yes you did!" they screeched.

All of a sudden their eyes turned red and their faces turned yellow. After that they just disappeared.

I opened my eyes to see that I was in class. Then a note flew my way. I picked it up and read it.


I saw that you've passed out in the park, so I brought you back to class. -Chels

I looked at Chelsea giving her a grateful smile. She winked at me and I turned around facing the teacher.

"Ross?" Mr. Wright asked.


"What's the answer?"


"Detention for you Mr. Lynch," he said.

I sighed.

Laura's POV

I sat down and waited for detention to start. I didn't care if I had detention, I live with Vanessa. But she said in a few weeks she's going to college in LA. I sighed just thinking of it. The final bell rang and Mrs. Whot came in. But right after her Ross came in.

I rolled my eyes as he takes his seat. He rolls his eyes back.

"Welcome to detention. There's no talking, eating, reading, texting, calling, throwing, etc, etc, etc," Mrs. Whot babbled.

She sat down on top of the desk and started reading a long novel.

I huffed silently. But somebody sneezed.

Then the classroom transformed into a stage again. Oh no, not again.

"And now for Ms. Marano!"

The huge audience cheered.

I walked up to the stage. I waved at them. They waved back.

"Sing! Sing! Sing!" they cheered.

"I-I can't," I said.

"But I can juggle!" I added.

The audience stayed silent. I was making a fool of myself. But after a whole of silence people started booing.

"Please stop!" I cried.

"What a rip off!" a person yelled.

"What the heck is this?!" said another.

I fell to my knees crying in my hands. I can't fail now. But I just did.

"You guys may go home now!" Mrs. Whot yelled.

I put my head up and looked around the classroom. I stood up and left to go home. What a horrible vision, I couldn't take this anymore. I don't even know who my real friends are. But on the way home I saw Ross, Chelsea, and Miranda. I got closer and hid behind a bush.

"So where's Laura?" Chelsea asked.

"I don't know. What part of your plan is applying right now?" Ross asked.

"We're just trying to make "friends" with her." Miranda said finger quoting "friends."

So they lied to me, wow.

Now I've lost my friends, real ones. I just can't believe myself for making a fool of myself, again.

"Cool I'll catch you guys later," he said walking away.

I ran home without being seen. I unlocked the door to see Vanessa with a frown on her face.

"Uh, hi Vanessa. What's wrong?" I asked.

"I've decided," she said.

Oh no.




Oh boy what up with dat? Hah jk. I'm going to update again in a few hours (I'll try). But anyhoo thank you for reading this story, it's going to be discontinued.

Bye :(.

JK! I'm STILL going to write this story! AHAHAHAHAHAHASHAHAHSHSHAH! Who else saw "HASH" in there?

-Anna Bri😋

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